The temple trust reports that more than 25 lakh devotees have visited the grand Ram Temple at Ayodhya since its consecration on January 22. Over 11 days since the Ram temple opened in Ayodhya eight crores have been donated in the donations boxes, while 3.5 crores have been donated through cheques and online payments, according to Prakash Gupta, office in-charge of the temple trust.
Four donation boxes are located along the ‘darshan path’, where devotees walk to offer prayers to the deity in front of the sanctum sanctorum, near the new Balak Ram idol and the Ram Lalla idol.
In addition, 10 computerised counters have been installed where Ayodhya Ram temple devotees can make digital donations through cheques and online payments.
During the evening, a team of 14 workers, including 11 bank employees and three temple trust employees, count the offerings deposited in the donation boxes under CCTV surveillance.
As the biting cold in North India subsides, more devotees are expected to visit the Ram Temple in Ayodhya in the coming weeks. In order to ensure the safety of devotees reaching the Shri Ram Janmabhoomi complex, Yogi Adityanath met with senior officials from the state and district on Monday at the control room.
As the weather improves and the cold reduces, we anticipate a surge in tourists and Ram devotees in Ayodhya. All devotees must have easy access to Ram Lalla, he concluded.
Jyotiraditya Scindia inaugurated non-stop flight services connecting Ayodhya to eight other cities across India yesterday. Ayodhya is accessible from Darbhanga, Ahmedabad, Chennai, Jaipur, Patna, Delhi, Mumbai, and Bengaluru by SpiceJet airlines.
Last month, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and several dignitaries, including celebrities and businessmen, inaugurated the much-awaited temple of Lord Ram Lalla.
In addition to the first phase of the temple, the second phase is expected to be completed by December 2025.
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