
History & Culture

Child Marriage In India. A Growing Issue

Child marriage in India. A growing issue

Child marriage is still a very common practice in India, with millions of girls being married off before they reach the age of 18. India has seen an increasing number of women reported being forced into marriage by their parents and other relatives. Child marriage is not just a regional or religious issue, but it’s one that affects all socio-economic classes in India. In this article, we focus on the issue in India and what could be done to decrease this practice.

Child Marriage in India

There are an estimated 1.5 million underage girls currently married in India, according to a report by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB). While the practice of child marriage is not limited to India, it is particularly rampant in the country due to its cultural and religious traditions. Child marriage often leads to increased rates of domestic violence and sexual abuse, which can be especially devastating for teenage girls.

The legal age for marriage in India is 18, but many underage girls are married off before they reach that age. The NCRB report found that most child marriages take place between 16 and 17 years old. The practice is particularly common among rural communities and among Muslim families. In some cases, parents may believe that early marriage will help their daughters become more pious and virtuous.

The government of India has taken measures to address the issue of child marriage. In 2006, the Indian Parliament passed the Marriage Bill, which makes child marriage illegal and punishable by up to 10 years in prison. Additionally, the government has established shelters that provide relief to young women who have been forced into marriages. However, much work remains to be done in order to end this harmful practice.

The Laws Against Child Marriage in India

In India, there are laws against child marriage that set the minimum age for marriage at 18 years old. However, these laws are not always enforced and teenage girls are often forced to marry much older men. Child marriage is often considered a tradition in India and it is estimated that around 26 percent of all women in India have been married before they reach the age of 18.

Child marriage is often seen as a way to keep young girls from moving away from their families or from getting an education. Due to the prevalence of child marriage, many teenage girls in India are trapped in abusive marriages. They are often subjected to physical and sexual abuse by their husbands and they have little opportunity to escape their marriages.

There have been campaigns launched across India aimed at reducing the number of teenage girls who are forced into marriages. These campaigns include working with schools to teach students about the dangers of child marriage and providing support networks for young women who are trying to escape their marriages.

The Parliament of India investigating into the bill to raise the minimum marriage age of women from 18 years to 21 years is also looking at states, specially Karnataka that has already made all child marriages illegal. They have also begun meeting with various NGOs and civil society organizations to gain a complete perspective on their current process.

Forced Marriage in India: A Survey

The practice of child marriage is rampant in India, with more than a million girls being married before the age of 18 each year. This problem is most severe in rural areas, where poverty and social isolation often lead to young girls being forced into marriages with older men.

In a recent survey, researchers found that more than half of all teenage girls in India have been married before their 18th birthday. The vast majority of these marriages (83%) were conducted without the consent of either party. Girls as young as 12 are frequently married off to men much older than themselves, with some marrying men as old as 50.

Child marriage has serious consequences for both the bride and the husband. Girls who are forced into marriage often suffer from physical and psychological abuse at the hands of their husbands. They are also at a significantly increased risk of experiencing sexual violence, domestic violence, and maternal death.

Child Marriage Cases:

Child marriage was common in india so about 70-80% family support child marriage before hindu marriage act 1955. But decades by decades it’s continues because family still avoids girl child education and employment. Even 3604 Child marriage cases registered between 2011 to 2020 while it was 726 till 2010. 50% increased in decades according to NCRB report. Most of cases in Maharashtra 27%, Uttar Pradesh 17%, Jharkhand 9%, Orrisa 7%, Assam3%, and karnataka17%. In the last few years, more than 3604 cases of child marriage has been registered as per the NCRB report. 

There are a number of ways that governments and organizations can work to reduce the incidence of child marriage in India. Governments can promote education and financial independence for young women, while NGOs can provide support services to girls who have been forced into marriages. In addition, social media platforms can be used to raise awareness about the dangers of child marriage.

The Effects of Child Marriage on Teenage Girls

Child marriage is a serious issue in India, where approximately 26% of women are married before the age of 18. When teenage girls are forced to marry, they often suffer from physical and emotional abuse. Their health and well-being are at risk, and they are often unable to access education or employment opportunities. Child marriage also has negative social consequences for teenage girls, who are more likely to experience poverty, violence, and HIV/AIDS.

The government of India has made efforts to address the prevalence of child marriage. In 2006, the Indian Parliament passed the Prohibition of Child Marriage Act (PCMA), which bans underage marriage nationwide. The PCMA requires religious leaders to report any cases of child marriage to the authorities, and it provides financial compensation to victims. The government has also created awareness campaigns targeted at teenagers and their families.

Despite these efforts, child marriage remains a problem in India. There is still work to be done in order to prevent teenage girls from being forced into marriages. The government of India must continue its efforts to enforce the CMRA and create awareness campaigns that target teenagers and their families.


Child marriage is a problem all over the world, but it is particularly prevalent in India. According to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), approximately 27% of girls in India are married before they turn 18 years old. This figure is even higher for rural areas, where rates can reach 50%.

Why are so many teenage girls forced into marriages? Poverty and social customs are both factors.

In some cases, families believe that early marriage will protect their daughters from sexual assault or promiscuity. In other cases, young girls may be chosen as brides because their families cannot afford to pay for someone else to marry them. Whatever the reason, child marriage tears apart young women and deprives them of their rights as human beings. We need to do more to help these girls escape from abusive marriages and build futures of their own choosing.

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