

Compress JPG to 100KB: Top 10 Image Compressor Tools Online

Compress JPG to 100KB

In the digital age, images play a pivotal role in conveying information, evoking emotions, and enhancing the overall user experience. However, the larger the image files, the slower they load, which can be frustrating for users and detrimental to website performance. This is where image compression comes into play. Compress jpg to 100kb or less not only helps websites load faster but also conserves bandwidth and storage space.

Visitors are likely to quit your website if its pages take too long to load because of enormous graphics. In fact, if a website takes longer than 6 seconds to load, half of all visitors will leave. Additionally, 39% of users expect e-commerce pages to load in under three seconds. It’s critical to follow Google’s latest Page Experience upgrade in order to address this problem and raise your website’s ranks.

The Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), one of the Core Web Vitals assessing how rapidly the content on your page loads, was added by Google in this release. You should think about picture compression or resizing to address the issue of lengthy photos causing slow loading speeds. This technique entails shrinking the size of the images to save space on your website. Image optimization is crucial because it can frequently play a significant role in the slow loading times of websites.

To achieve this, a plethora of online image compressor tools are available, each offering unique features and capabilities. Let’s delve into the list of top 10 image compressor online tool.

How to Compress jpg to 100kb?

Compressing a JPG image to a specific file size, such as 100KB, often involves finding a balance between image quality and file size. Here are some methods you can use to compress a JPG image to around 100KB:

  1. Image Resizing:
    • Resolution Reduction: Reduce the dimensions of the image. Smaller dimensions mean fewer pixels and, therefore, a smaller file size. Use image editing software like Photoshop, GIMP, or online tools like PicResize or TinyPNG.
  2. Compression Settings:
    • Quality Adjustment: Use an image editor to adjust the quality of the image. Lowering the quality reduces the file size. Most image editing software allows you to adjust the quality level during the save process.
    • Compression Tools: Utilize online compression tools like TinyPNG, JPEG-Optimizer, or These tools can significantly reduce the file size without a substantial loss in quality.
  3. File Format:
    • Convert to WebP: Consider converting the image to the WebP format. WebP offers better compression compared to JPG while maintaining similar image quality. However, ensure that WebP is supported in the context where you plan to use the image.
    • GIF Format: For simple graphics or images with limited colors, consider converting to GIF format. GIFs support animations but can also be static images.
  4. Image Cropping:
    • Remove Unnecessary Parts: Crop the image to remove unnecessary parts. By focusing only on the essential elements, you reduce the overall data that needs to be stored in the image file.
  5. Image Optimization Plugins:
    • Content Management Systems (CMS): If you are using a CMS like WordPress, there are plugins available (such as WP Smush) that automatically optimize images upon upload, ensuring they are compressed to the desired size.
  6. Command-Line Tools:
    • Use Command-Line Tools: Tools like ImageMagick, OptiPNG, used via command-line interface to compress images in batches. These tools offer various settings to control the level of compression.

List of Top 10 Image Compressor Tools Online

In this article, we will explore the top 10 image compressor tools online that can help you reduce your JPG image file sizes to 100KB or less, without compromising on quality.

1. JPEG Optimizer

Overview: JPEG Optimizer is a straightforward online tool designed to optimize and compress JPEG images. It focuses on reducing the file size of JPEGs while preserving acceptable image quality. It is an image compressor online tool.

Features: This tool exclusively supports JPEG compression. Users can upload JPEG images to the platform, and JPEG Optimizer will automatically compress them with the option to adjust the compression level. The primary goal is to make JPEGs smaller for web use, reducing loading times. It can compress jpg to 100kb.

User Experience: Users can easily upload their JPEG images to the JPEG Optimizer website. The tool processes the images and provides the compressed versions for download. It offers a simple and user-friendly experience.

Pricing: JPEG Optimizer is typically a free online service, and users can compress JPEG images without the need for a subscription.

2. Optimizilla

Overview: Optimizilla is an online image optimization tool that supports both JPEG and PNG formats. It’s designed to help users reduce the file size of images while maintaining good image quality. It can compress jpg to 100kb.

Features: Optimizilla allows users to upload and optimize multiple images simultaneously. Users can adjust the compression level to find the right balance between image quality and file size reduction. It provides a real-time preview of the compressed images.

User Experience: Optimizilla offers an intuitive and user-friendly interface. Users can upload images, adjust the compression settings, and immediately see the effects on image quality. Once satisfied, they can download the optimized images.

Pricing: Optimizilla is typically a free online service, making it accessible for users without the need for a subscription.

3. ImageOptim

Overview: ImageOptim is an image optimization tool primarily designed for Mac users. It’s a desktop application that optimizes various image formats, including JPEG, PNG, and GIF, with a focus on reducing file sizes for web and app development. It is an image compressor online tool.

Features: ImageOptim utilizes various optimization techniques, such as removing unnecessary metadata and optimizing compression, to make images smaller without compromising quality. It allows batch processing, making it suitable for optimizing multiple images at once. It can compress jpg to 100kb.

User Experience: ImageOptim provides a user-friendly desktop application for Mac users. Users can drag and drop images into the application, and it will optimize them automatically. The tool provides a before-and-after comparison of image file sizes.

Pricing: ImageOptim is typically free to use, and the desktop application can be downloaded and used without a subscription.

4. Image Recycle

Overview: Image Recycle is an online image compression and optimization tool that helps users reduce the file size of their images without a significant loss in quality. It is particularly useful for web developers, designers, and website owners looking to improve website performance by reducing image loading times. It is an image compressor online tool.

Features: Image Recycle offers various features such as bulk image compression, support for different image formats (JPEG, PNG, GIF), and the ability to set compression quality levels. It also provides an option to optimize images for specific platforms or content management systems (CMS) like WordPress, Joomla, and Magento.

User Experience: Users can easily upload their images to the platform, and Image Recycle will automatically compress them. The tool provides a side-by-side comparison of the original and compressed images, allowing users to visually inspect the quality before downloading. It can compress jpg to 100kb.

Pricing: Image Recycle typically offers both free and paid subscription plans, with the paid plans offering more features and higher compression limits.

5. Compress Now

Overview: Compress Now is a straightforward online image compression tool designed for users who need a quick and easy way to reduce the size of individual images. It doesn’t require registration or account creation, making it accessible to anyone. It is an image compressor online tool.

Features: Compress Now supports popular image formats like JPEG, PNG, and GIF. Users can simply upload their images, and the tool will compress them with a focus on maintaining decent quality while reducing file size. It can compress jpg to 100kb.

User Experience: Compress Now provides a simple and intuitive interface. Users can adjust the compression level if they want to balance between quality and size. Once the compression process is complete, the compressed image can be downloaded.

Pricing: Compress Now is typically a free tool, and users can compress images without any cost or subscription requirements.


Overview: is another online image compression tool that focuses on providing high-quality compression for images while keeping file sizes to a minimum. It is known for its advanced compression algorithms. It is an image compressor online tool.

Features: supports various image formats, including JPEG, PNG, GIF, and SVG. It offers two compression options: lossless and lossy. Lossless compression preserves image quality entirely, while lossy compression allows users to specify the desired compression level. It can compress jpg to 100kb.

User Experience: Users can upload images to, select the desired compression type, and adjust the quality level. The tool then processes the image and provides a download link for the compressed version.

Pricing: is often offered as a free online service, making it accessible to a wide range of users.

7. ShortPixel

Overview: ShortPixel is a popular image optimization and compression tool that offers both online and WordPress plugin versions. It’s designed to help website owners and developers optimize and compress images for faster website loading times and improved performance.

Features: ShortPixel supports various image formats, including JPEG, PNG, GIF, and WebP. It offers both lossless and lossy compression options, allowing users to balance image quality and file size. It also has a bulk optimization feature for compressing multiple images at once. ShortPixel can compress jpg to 100kb.

User Experience: Users can upload images to the ShortPixel platform, and it will automatically compress them. The WordPress plugin version seamlessly integrates with WordPress websites, making it easy to optimize and compress images directly from the WordPress dashboard.

Pricing: ShortPixel typically offers a free plan with limited monthly credits and paid subscription plans with more features, higher compression limits, and competitive pricing.

8. JPEGmini

Overview: JPEGmini is an advanced image compression tool specifically designed for JPEG images. It employs proprietary algorithms to reduce the file size of JPEGs while preserving image quality and detail. It is an image compressor online tool.

Features: JPEGmini focuses exclusively on JPEG compression. It offers both a desktop application and an online version for users to upload and compress their JPEG images. The tool automatically optimizes images to ensure they are as small as possible while maintaining quality. It can compress jpg to 100kb.

User Experience: Users can simply upload their JPEG images to the online platform or use the desktop application. JPEGmini then processes the images and provides the compressed versions for download.

Pricing: JPEGmini typically offers a free trial with limited features and a paid version that unlocks more features and higher compression limits.

9. Squoosh

Overview: Squoosh is an open-source image compression tool developed by Google. It’s a web application design to allow users to compress and optimize images directly in their web browser. It is an image compressor online tool.

Features: Squoosh supports various image formats, including JPEG, PNG, WebP, and more. Users can drag and drop images onto the Squoosh interface, where they can adjust compression settings, preview the results, and see a live comparison between the original and compressed images.

User Experience: Squoosh provides an intuitive and user-friendly interface that makes it easy for users to experiment with compression settings and immediately see the impact on image quality and file size. Squoosh can compress jpg to 100kb.

Pricing: Squoosh is a free and open-source tool, making it accessible to anyone without cost.

10. TinyJPG

Overview: TinyJPG is an online image compression tool focused on reducing the file size of JPEG and PNG images. It’s design to help users optimize their images for web use, improving website loading times.

Features: TinyJPG specializes in JPEG and PNG compression. Users can upload their images, and TinyJPG will automatically compress them while attempting to maintain reasonable image quality. It can compress jpg to 100kb.

User Experience: Users can easily upload images to the TinyJPG website, and the tool quickly processes and provides the compressed versions for download.

Pricing: TinyJPG offers both a free version with limited compression options and a paid subscription plan that includes additional features, such as higher compression limits and batch processing.


In today’s fast-paced digital world, optimizing images for web use has become a necessity, and compress jpg to 100kb or less is a common requirement. The top 10 image compressor online tools discussed in this article provide valuable solutions to this challenge. From user-friendly interfaces to advanced compression algorithms, these online tools offer a range of options to cater to different needs.

Whether you are a web developer striving for faster load times, a graphic designer looking to reduce file sizes for easier sharing, or simply someone who wants to save storage space, these tools can make your life easier. Embracing the power of image compression not only enhances user experiences but also contributes to a more efficient and sustainable digital ecosystem. So, explore these tools, experiment with them, and discover the one that best suits your image compression needs.

Content Writer
Hello! I’m Shubhangi Bhardwaj, a skilled content writer passionate about creating engaging and informative content. With 3+ years of experience, I specialize in crafting SEO-friendly articles tailored to the needs.

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