

Government-aided schools must play a lead role in providing a skilled workforce in the next 10 years

India continues to remain on the cusp of a rapid demographic change. UNICEF estimates a daily birth of about 67,385 babies in India. In the next 20 years, this population growth would have a deep impact on the jobs landscape. A major portion of that relevance will be linked to the skills an individual may

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Should teachers be government employees to deliver in government-run schools

The issue about vacancies of teachers in India has been simmering for quite a while now. Take the case of the year 2018-19, which had witnessed 11.7% vacancies against the sanctioned posts of teachers. Of the 17,64,956 posts of teachers under the Samagra Shiksha Abhiyanan–an integrated scheme for school education extending support to states from

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These Top 10 Universities In The World Ranked According To Their Infrastructure

Education is the basic fundamental need of society. In the world, there are several universities that offer people a platform to turn their life upside down. Apart from having incredible educational resources, these universities have an incredible infrastructural facility. In this article, we will tell you about the top 10 universities in the world ranked

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Tips to enhance productivity in preparation of civil services examination

Today’s world has become a more distracting place. Ever-increasing interruptions impact UPSC aspirant’s productivity and if remain unchecked could end up in a catastrophic result. In this article, we will be sharing few feasible ways in which a student can improve both his efficiency and productivity-two most important attributes in civil services examination preparation. Tips

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Missing schools can be more dangerous than coronavirus

The schools had been closed across the globe as a measure to fight against the pandemic. It was just for the mere fact that the lives of the children cannot be at a loss for the sake of education. Moreover, there was a need to maintain social distancing and good infection control inside and outside

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Most of the parents want to send their children to school during pandemic

The pandemic has been disruptive and bewildering for everyone, but especially for children. It has been almost six months in absence of a normal school day. The parents as well as the kids want to get into formal education who can’t access online classes. Hence most of the parents want to send their children to school

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Careers Education Facts & Comment Newsblare Quotes

Is Lockdown likely to impact an entire generation?

The coronavirus pandemic has significantly left an impact on the performance of companies across the universe and has made an impact on the entire generation. India is not so different as it seems to impact the youth in one go. The virus may not be discriminatory in who it strikes, but its social and economic

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Practical Tips for UPSC Aspirants to Improve Their Writing Skills

All young and dynamic minds are heading for UPSC Civil services examination 2020. Some will have their first attempt and some will make another try but there are certain tips for UPSC aspirants to be followed every time one plans to appear. 1. Following the curriculum One of the biggest mistakes the aspirants commit is

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Homeschooling during COVID-19 Lockdown: A privilege of the educated class

Complete Lockdown during Coronavirus outbreak has intensified the already existing economic crisis in India. While the financial impact of the lockdown on the survival of daily wage laborers has been highlighted by the policymakers and media, the consequences of the lockdown on the children of the uneducated, unorganized sector workers have received relatively less attention.

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Future of education- what is in store!

The methods of teaching and education need to undergo a revolution in order to conform to the changing mindset of the youth. A few points on the future of education has been described below. The trends causing radical change in the future of education system These trends can be broadly classified into societal, technological as

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