On Monday, a CBI court sentenced Sanjay Roy, a civic volunteer, to life imprisonment until death for the gruesome rape and murder of a trainee doctor at Kolkata RG Kar Hospital in August 2024. Apart from the sentence, Roy has been fined ₹50,000. The sentence was pronounced by Judge Anirban Das of the Sealdah court while closing a case that had thrown the nation into protests.
The postgraduate trainee doctor was found dead in the seminar hall of the hospital and was said to have been murdered after she was raped. The Kolkata Police could identify Roy from the CCTV footage and a Bluetooth earphone recovered from the crime scene. He was arrested the next day.
“Not a Case of Rarest of Rare,” Rules the Judge on Kolkata RG Kar Rape Case Culprit Sanjay Roy
While pronouncing the punishment, Judge Das said, “I think this is not a case of rarest of the rare. That’s why I am giving you imprisonment till your death.” Further, the court ordered the state government to provide ₹17 lakh as compensation to the victim’s family, which they refused to accept.
During the hearing, Sanjay Roy maintained his innocence, claiming he was framed and coerced into signing documents. “I was not allowed to speak,” he said, reiterating his denial of involvement in the crime.
CBI Lawyer Demands Death Penalty
The CBI lawyer was keen on an award of the death penalty as nothing short of capital punishment could make amends for this shocking crime. “This is a rarest-of-the-rare case. The victim was a bright student and an asset to society. If even doctors are unsafe, how can the public trust the system? The death penalty alone can restore faith in justice,” the lawyer argued.
Roy was convicted under Sections 64 (rape), 66 (punishment for causing death), and 103 (murder) of the Indian Penal Code.
National Protests
The horrific incident sparked widespread protests across India, with many raising questions over the safety of women, even in institutions like hospitals. The conviction of Sanjay Roy is a grim reminder of the need for systemic reform to ensure women’s safety.