

How to focus on studies without getting distracted

How to focus on studies

Do you always search for the answer of How to focus on studies? College can be challenging if you are trying to keep your grades up, work a part-time job, and/or maintain a relationship. Messages, texts, and push notifications can easily distract us. Most students are distracted by texting or social media within five minutes of setting aside time to study.

It can be difficult to stay focused when there are so many things going on, but it isn’t impossible.

Here are 10 tips to help you be more productive:

1. Set your phone to silent mode and place it at the other end of the room.

You know how distracting a smartphone can be if you own one. It is possible to access Facebook, Twitter, email, text messages, and even the entire Internet.

Distraction is a problem even with non-smartphones!

You should put your phone on silent mode and place it far away from you at the beginning of your study session. It would be better if it were placed at the opposite end of the room.

Studying without interruption is much easier this way. When you take a break, you can always check your phone every 30 or 45 minutes.

It’s reasonable to reach out to the other person when you’re taking a break, given that few of the texts and phone calls you receive require an immediate response.

2. Choosing an environment for learning

It is a proactive step towards monitoring possible distractions to choose an environment that is conducive to concentration while you study. When evaluating a potential study site, consider the following factors:

  • What are your chances of being interrupted or distracted?
  • (Lighting, temperature, etc.) Is the environment comfortable enough to allow you to work without falling asleep?
  • Can you tune out ambient noise or can you control its level?

Consider these other options if your favorite study space isn’t actually helping you focus, and keep checking in with yourself: Are you able to focus or are you getting easily distracted?

3. Establish a study routine

Creating a routine can help you find focus and flow while studying. Starting by clearing your desk, closing your door, gathering all the materials you’ll need, putting on headphones, and creating a to-do list is a good way to start. Setting up your workspace will not only help you physically get ready for studying, but also train your brain to become more focused. You can focus on what is most important when there are no distractions around you. 

4. Create a schedule or to-do list

At school, it can be stressful to juggle multiple projects and deadlines. Getting caught up in one assignment makes it easy to forget about another. Having a schedule will help you organize your deadlines and manage your time more efficiently. Identify your most productive time and schedule homework and activities accordingly. Using a planner or digital calendar will help you keep track of your classes and assignments. People who like to write to-do lists and schedule appointments by hand will appreciate paper planners. 

5. Do smaller tasks at a time

You can overcome procrastination by breaking a large project into smaller chunks. When you begin with a small task, it’s easier to stay motivated than when you start with a huge project. Break up your time effectively if you have difficulty studying or working. For every 45-50 minutes you work, take a 10-minute break. Research has shown that taking breaks increases your ability to retain information.

6. Sleep for eight hours every night.

Sleeping enough is almost impossible for students. It’s never too late to do homework, to work on projects, to participate in activities, to hang out with friends, and to attend parties.

Sleep seems so unimportant compared to all of these things!

However, sleep is essential for academic success. The effects of sleep on your memory, concentration, and brain function are well established. Student life won’t be successful if you don’t sleep enough.

7. Give yourself a reward

Motivating yourself can make a world of difference. You can motivate yourself to do something by establishing a reward system. As a reward, you could watch a video or take a nap after finishing an essay without distractions.

8. Practice the Pomodoro Technique

Study sessions can be divided into manageable chunks with the Pomodoro Technique. Choosing a task to work on, setting a timer and working until the timer rings, and then taking a break.

9. Make use of headphones

Use noise-canceling headphones if you work in a noisy environment. You can also tune out distracting noises such as people talking loudly or construction work by listening to music through earbuds. Lyrics in music are usually distracting. To improve concentration, listen to instrumental or classical music.

10. Clear Your Desk

Do you have stacks of papers on your desk? Do you have sticky notes covering your computer monitor? Then getting organized is a must. An unorganized workspace can hinder your productivity. Organize your desk by keeping only the essentials. You can feel better and be more motivated when your workspace is organized.


We live in a world where distractions are everywhere, thanks to smartphones, tablets, laptops and high-speed Internet.

To stay on track, you’ll need to make a deliberate and committed effort. These 10 tips are intended to help you become a happy and successful student!

Also Read: How to Start a Tutoring Business from Scratch

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