Bollywood’s most talked-about celebrity, Rakhi Sawant, is once again making headlines for her ‘Dhoka Mat Dena’ statement. After two failed marriages, she is on a new journey of love and faith. Having checked on her plan for marrying Pakistani actor Dodi Khan she posted an emotional Instagram Reel from Mecca, from where she has recently finished the Islamic pilgrimage Umrah, the journey of pilgrimage to the sacred city of Mecca.
Wearing a hijab, Rakhi prayed and contemplated upon the state of her spiritual life. The video, go viral online, includes her reciting a touching poem of her wish for love and trust. All the more so given that the actress’s cryptic message just fueled speculation about her romantic involvement with Dodi Khan.
“Dhoka Mat Dena”—Rakhi Sawant Shares Emotional Plea
The voice of the video’s narration reflects Rakhi’s feelings, suggesting a history of heartbreak and the potential for renewed hope. The poem, shared in her reel, urges her partner not to betray her:
“Sunno, dhoka mat dena, aur na hi aadat lagaa kar door hona.”
(Please don’t deceive me or leave after becoming a habit.
Her own statements all show a profound affective relationship with the man Dodi Khan, whom she has shown to have been both solace and truth in her own life.
“Phir se kisi pe vishwas hua hai, aur tu accha lagne laga hai. Saari duniya jhoothi, aur tu saccha lagne laga hai.”
(I have started trusting someone again, and I like you. The whole world feels fake, but you seem real.)
The poem concludes with a plea for unwavering support:
“Jaise ho bas waise hi rehna, aaj bhi aur kal bhi.”
(Stay the way you are, today and tomorrow.)
A Love Story Across Borders
Dodi Khan’s association with Rakhi remains a sensation among fans on both sides of the border. Just days ago, Dodi publicly proposed to Rakhi through an Instagram video, showering her with affectionate words and congratulating her on completing Umrah.
While Rakhi has had a tumultuous love life—this being her third marriage—she appears hopeful about her future with Dodi. The growing social media following of the couple has elicited both praise and skepticism, and there is now a question regarding the reality of their relationship.
Wedding plans are underway and everyone is watching Rakhi as she steps into a new phase of life, trying to reconcile love, spirituality, and scandal.
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