The former Bollywood actress Mamta Kulkarni has made a big spiritual leap by assuming the Mahamandleshwarship of Kinnar Akhara at the current Mahakumbh fair in Prayagraj. An ancient order of transgender sadhus, supporters of the ancient Juna Akhada, the Kinnar Akhara, accepted Mamta into its ranks following the acquisition, with a new spiritual title, of the “Yamai Mamta Nandgiri.
Acharya Mahamandleshwar of Kinnar Akhada, Laxmi Narayan, shared the news, saying, “Rituals for Mamta Kulkarni’s induction into the Kinnar Akhara as Mahamandleshwar are underway. He also revealed that Mamta’s association with the Akhara has been close, for over one and a half years.
Mamta Kulkarni, the actress who became a star in the 1990s, Bollywood blockbuster, (Karan Arjun and Baazi), has just been seen carrying out religious rituals at Mahakumbh. Visuals of the former star donning saffron attire at Sangam Ghat while conducting her ‘Pind Daan’ have gone viral on social media.
Speaking with reporters, Mamta attributed this spiritual retreat to divine direction, stating, “This was Mahadev’s command, Maha Kaali’s command, and my Guru’s command. They chose this day.”
A New Chapter for Mamta Kulkarni at MahaKumbh as Mahamandleshwarship
Mamta Kulkarni and Kinnar Akhara’s connection represents a turning point in her life. With respect to her own individual spiritual development, Acharya Laxmi Narayan declared that Mamta is free to take part in devotional activities or manifest her creative energy within the perspective of the Akhara during its approach to openness.
The Kinnar Akhara has highlighted the value of its spiritual rank through its presence in the Mahakumbh 2025 tent city, Sector 16, Prayagraj.
Mamta Kulkarni returned to Mumbai after playing it safe for a few years. Her return comes after a Bombay High Court order last year (in a ₹2,000 crore drug case) that stayed criminal proceedings against her based on a lack of evidence.
Mamta Kulkarni’s spiritual practice is in harmony with the culture of inclusiveness at the Indian religious institutions and also represents her own transformation.
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