Ram Charan and Kiara Advani are set to hit the silver screen on January 10 in their highly anticipated Telugu film, Game Changer. The movie marks the Telugu debut of the director, Shankar, and promises to be a spectacle, with an A-list star cast and a massive budget crossing ₹400 crore.
Despite the buzz, the Telangana government has taken a hard stance after the recent stampede incident at Pushpa 2 Sandhya Theatre. The special show at 1 am for Game Changer has been disallowed; however, a hike in ticket rates and additional shows have been permitted.
No Special 1 AM Show, But Ticket Rates Hike
In Andhra Pradesh, benefit shows for Game Changer have been allowed, with the first show starting at 1 am. However, in Telangana, the earliest show shall start at 4 am. For opening day, six shows are permitted to be screened. For the rest of the nine days up to January 19, five shows can be screened each day.
The ticket price has been hiked by ₹150 (with GST) for multiplex and ₹100 for single screens for the first day. Hike for the rest of nine days to be ₹100 in multiplex and ₹50 in single-screen theaters. In lieu of this relief, the state government has also asked the cinemas to show public service advertisements related to cybercrime and drug abuse as well as for the prevention of narcotics.
Game Changer features an excellent cast: Anjali, Samuthirakani, SJ Suryah, and Srikanth. The Karthik Subbaraj story will be released in Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam, and Hindi. The movie is known for its grand production with a budget of ₹75 crore on the songs composed by Thaman S.
With Ram Charan fresh off the global success of RRR and Shankar looking to rebound after Indian 2, hopes for Game Changer are sky-high.
Also, see: Watch Game Changer Trailer: Ram Charan Shines in Multiple Looks