The much-anticipated Malayalam revenge thriller Pani, directed by Joju George, finally starts streaming on OTT. The film, which was supposed to start streaming on Sony LIV on January 16, was released a day in advance by the streamer on the evening of January 15. Currently, Pani is streaming on Sony LIV in Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, and Hindi. The movie is also available on OTTplay Premium.
Pani – A Thrilling Malayalam Revenge Story By Joju Set for OTT
Pani is an intense tale of two young mechanics hailing from Thrissur, enacted by Sagar Surya and Junaiz VP, who attempt to rise through the ranks of crime by taking up a dangerous mission. Matters go from bad to worse when they cross Giri, a menacing gang leader enacted by Joju George. What starts as a pursuit of fame escalates into a violent struggle of wits and power, and audiences are left in a frenzy as the characters navigate an intricate web of vengeance.
Joju George plays Giri with full vigor and raises the tension graph of the movie. Sagar and Junaiz are equally brilliant as the dauntless youngsters who would stop at nothing to confront Giri and his family. The subplots are ably supported by Abhinaya, Bobby Kurian, Chandini Sreedharan, and Sujith Sankar.
Watch the Pani Movie Trailer
Stunning cinematography, riveting action, and the pulsating background score make the movie all the more extravagant. Pani keeps viewers hooked through his fast-paced narrative from start to finish and is thus a must-watch for every crime drama enthusiast.
Pani is made on a budget of approximately ₹33 crores and has already managed to convey the point across. Its OTT debut now promises to reach more viewership.
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