Bollywood star Saif Ali Khan is said to be recovering from injuries after being stabbed multiple times during an attempted burglary at his home in the Mumbai suburb of Bandra early on Thursday. The 54-year-old actor received two deep wounds and one near his spine, the doctor admitted. Saif Ali Khan has successfully undergone surgery at Lilavati Hospital and is stated to be stable, according to Dr. Niraj Uttamani of the hospital.
The Satguru Sharan building saw a shocking attack on the actor at his home when an intruder broke in while Saif was asleep. A physical fight ensued, where the intruder stabbed the actor and ran away. Mumbai Police launched an extensive investigation with seven teams and sniffer dogs to track the attacker. No unauthorized entry was captured on CCTV footage scanned after midnight, and this made people suspect that the attacker could have been hiding inside the building before the attack.
Increased Security After Saif Ali Khan Was Stabbed During Burglary
After the incident, security has been increased at Saif Ali Khan’s residence. The police are also questioning three domestic staff members, one of whom suffered minor injuries in the scuffle. The Mumbai Crime Branch is also conducting a parallel investigation to identify the attacker.
The high-profile attack has induced great anxiety in various sections of society. Bollywood persons, including Jr. NTR and director Kunal Kohli, expressed shock over the incident and wished Saif a speedy recovery. Kunal Kohli felt that celebrities needed tighter security arrangements, referring to the disturbing trend of cases like this in Mumbai.
Political leaders have not been left out either, doubting the city’s law and order. The Congress MP, Varsha Gaikwad, termed the attack as “extremely concerning,” while the Shiv Sena MP, Priyanka Chaturvedi criticized the government stating that even safety cannot be provided in up-market areas like Bandra.
This attack on Saif Ali Khan, coupled with previous high-profile incidents, shows rising concerns about celebrity security in Mumbai. For now, Saif’s fans can find relief in the positive updates about his health.
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