Aman Jaiswal, the TV actor known for his lead role in the Indian TV serial ‘Dhartiputra Nandini,’ lost his life at the age of 22 due to a road accident. The young actor was on his way to an audition when his bike was hit by a truck on Jogeshwari Highway in Mumbai.
According to Dhartiputra Nandini writer Dhiraj Mishra, Aman Jaiswal was taken directly to Cama Hospital. After a few minutes of treatment from the doctors and medical staff, he died 30 minutes after he was admitted.
Rising Star Gone Too Soon
Aman Jaiswal is from Balia, Uttar Pradesh. He has already made a name for himself in the Indian television industry. His breakthrough role was in Dhartiputra Nandini. He also appeared in popular shows such as Udaariyaan and played Yashwant Rao Phanse in Sony TV’s Punyashlok Ahilyabai, which ran from 2021 to 2023.
He started off as a model, turning into an actor when his passion won over his family, who initially resisted. The last Instagram post had him sharing thoughts and expressing appreciation for the love that had supported him through the entire series Dhartiputra Nandini. He believed that one lives through the characters in a role and has been dedicated to it, having around 65,000 followers on his social media handle.
Tributes From Acting Fraternity for Aman Jaiswal TV Actor
Instagram Aman had a befitting tribute from Dhiraj Mishra: “Tum jeevit rahoge hamari yaadon mein, alvida” (You will live on in our memories.goodbye). A sea of fans and friends said this was too early for the actor to go.”
Aman Jaiswal’s sudden death reminds us how life can be so short. His talent and charisma will continue to inspire, and his contributions to television will be remembered by fans and colleagues alike.
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