In a major joint operation between Odisha and Chhattisgarh police, at least 16 of the Naxalites were killed in a fierce gunfight on Monday. The interaction took place in the border regions of the Nuapada district of Odisha and the Gariabandh district of Chhattisgarh. The operation, facilitated by the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF), made a heavy impact on Naxalite activities in the area.
Among the killed was a kingpin of the Naxals, Jayram alias Chalapathi, having a bounty of 1 crore, according to senior police officers.
The operation was launched following intelligence inputs about a large group of Naxalites operating deep in the forested border areas. Security forces unearthed a huge quantity of weapons, ammunition, and explosives at the location and a senior officer also said that many numbers of casualties from the Naxal side may increase as the operation goes on.
Amit Shah Congratulates Joint Operation Between Odisha and Chhattisgarh as a Step Towards Naxal-Free India
Union Home Minister Amit Shah welcomed the surgery operation on social media and termed it “another huge blow to Naxalism,” etc. He lauded the coordination among the CRPF, Odisha Police, and Chhattisgarh Police, and reaffirmed the Government’s resolve to see a Naxal-free India.
‘”We are firm about the goal of a Naxal-free Bharat and the combined action of our security forces, Naxalism has today reached its end”, the service chief said. He previously boasted that Naxalism would be wiped out from the country by March 2026.
In 2024 alone, Chhattisgarh witnessed the elimination of 220 Naxalites, according to Deputy Chief Minister Vijay Sharma, a stark contrast to the 219 killed in the preceding five years combined. Up to now in 2025, 15 Naxalites have been eliminated in combined operations.
This activity testifies to the heightened drive of the government to eradicate Naxalism, as the security apparatus continues to exert pressure in affected areas.
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