Manipur Chief Minister N Biren Singh has issued an apology to the people of the state over the ethnic violence that gripped Manipur since May 2023. While addressing an event at the Nupee Lal Memorial complex to honor women freedom fighters, Singh expressed his deep regret for the unrest, which has already claimed lives and displaced thousands.
Biren Singh issues statements on Manipur violence
“This year has been extremely unfortunate,” Singh said. “I deeply regret what has happened since May 3. Many people have lost loved ones, and countless others have been forced to abandon their homes. I sincerely apologize to the people of Manipur.”
The violence has begun in the Imphal Valley between Meitei and Kuki-Zo communities, spilling into other districts including Jiribam. So far, over 250 have lost their lives and thousands have become homeless. Unrest also came with weapons and military equipment said to be smuggled into the country across the Myanmar border.
The past was painful for Singh, who urged all the communities to move ahead. “Whatever has happened, we must leave it behind. We need to start fresh, and united in creating a peaceful and prosperous Manipur. I hope the progress made in the past few months will bring full normalcy by 2025,” he added.
Ever since the conflict ended, Manipur has been making all efforts for stabilization. Violent clashes with arson and gunfights flared out after the discovery of a man’s body in Jiribam, prompting widespread protests. Officials continued efforts to seize illegal weapons from locals and enforce peace in the region.
Singh’s appeal comes at a time when the state is entering the new year with hopes pinned on reconciliation and rebuilding. His apology shows the urgency of fostering dialogue and unity among the state’s diverse communities.
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