A gruesome tragedy occurred on Wednesday when a minimum of eleven passengers died on the Pardhade railway station outskirts of Jalgaon district as they jumped off the Pushpak Express, after unsubstantiated rumors of fire on board, respectively. Passengers running away from the train were crushed by the Karnataka Express on the adjacent tracks, Bhusawal Divisional Railway Manager, Ity Pandey, confirmed.
The accident took place around 4 PM along Pachura taluka where it caused massive panic. Eyewitnesses reported that 30 to 35 passengers, fearing for their safety, leaped off the halted Pushpak Express, resulting in several being run over. Emergency aid personnel rushed the victims to the local hospitals. Consequently, rescue and medical personnel are on the ground, working nonstop.
Maharashtra CM Responds to Pushpak Express Accident at Pardhade Railway Station
Deepavedhava of the incident, Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadanvis has expressed condolences to the families of the victims in a post on X. “This tragic incident near Jalgaon is heart-wrenching. I extend my heartfelt tributes to the victims. Immediate medical treatment is being provided to the injured, in collaboration with railway officials, by the district administration,” he said.
Fadnavis also confirmed that 8 ambulances and medical teams were placed on the ground. Emergency equipment such as glass cutters and floodlights has been made available. Also, local hospitals and individual facilities were put on alert in order to care for casualties.
Details About Tragedy
According to sources, the Pushpak Express, going to Mumbai, abruptly stopped near Pardhade station as a result of the continuous track repairs and maintenance. Sparks visible from the halt reportedly caused passengers to mistake the scene for a fire. It led to panic and fatal jumps.
District Collector Ayush Prasad and railway administration authorities are engaging in an investigation of the incident. Central Railway spokesperson Swapnil Lila added that immediate medical aid is always the focus.
The disaster is a sobering reminder of the requirement for improved crowd control and railway accident emergency communication.
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