In a bizarre twist, a thief in Telangana was caught after stealing liquor in a store on Sunday night. He broke into the ‘Kanakadurga Wines’ in Medak region ahead of New Year celebrations, grabbing cash and bottles of hard alcohol. But, while making his escape, he developed a case of ‘the grapes are sour.’ He drank so much that he passed out, remaining unconscious for nearly 24 hours.
A viral photograph circulating in social media circles shows a man lying unconscious on the floor of the shop amidst scattered bottles and cash. Reportedly, he had gained access to the store by breaking tiles from the roof and disenchanted the CCTV cameras installed for surveillance. Post his successful robbery, he resorted to the enjoyment of the robbed liquor that ultimately made him alcoholically drunk.
Thief was found unconscious in liquor store in Telangana
By Monday morning when the store opened its doors to trade once again, the thief was found unconscious on the floor. Shocked to find him in this condition, the staff, including Narsing, the in-charge of Kanakadurga Wines, confronted him. “We closed the shop at 10 PM on Sunday and reopened at 10 AM the next day. We saw him unconscious,” Narsing told NDTV. “He had taken money from the cash box and was surrounded by liquor bottles. We shifted him to the hospital immediately.”
The man was also found to have a minor facial injury, probably sustained during the break-in. The police are waiting for the man to regain consciousness to question him. A case has been filed and are investigating if he had any accomplices.
This incident is reminiscent of another case in October 2023 when a man in Delhi fell unconscious after consuming liquor stolen from a shop. He was subsequently arrested and charges were filed against him.
The authorities are continuing their investigation into the Telangana incident, hoping that the recovery of the thief will throw more light on the matter.
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