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UP school finds a creative way to keep children away from mobile phones

UP school finds a creative way to keep children away from mobile phones

In a wise attempt to keep children away from mobile phones, the teachers of HP International School in Badaun, UP, have launched an awareness campaign. The campaign shows a powerful video featuring a teacher who is blindfolded and weeping, claiming that her eyes are bleeding due to excessive use of the mobile phone. Such a dramatic scene has been designed to scare the children. Consequently, they will understand the dangers of too much screen time.

The teacher offers mobile phones to children in the video, but they refuse to accept it, knowing the risks. This is part of the innovative approaches at school that keep children away from mobile phones. Such approaches also address mobile addiction among kids.

Excessive mobile phone use can lead to poor eyesight, loss of concentration, and sleep disorders. Studies have shown that children of age group 8-12 years spend two to four hours a day in front of the screen. Teenagers take this time up to four hours. Experts say a child under two must not be exposed to a mobile phone. Keeping children away from mobile phones in early childhood makes for healthy development.

How to keep children away from mobile phones? Teachers tell parents through a message video

The approach of HP International School shows growing concern for mobile addiction in children. They used this video to encourage parents and schools to apply similar techniques, keeping children away from mobiles.

Some of the other disadvantages of excessive screen time are poor posture, less socializing with others, and even behavioural problems. The video campaign should remind parents to limit phone use inside the house. As it is, experts advise setting clear limits on screen time and engaging kids in outdoor activities to keep them away from mobile phones.

On this initiative, the school has received very positive feedback. It showcases how creative efforts can lower gadget use and keep children away from mobile phones.

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