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A Guide on How to Start Monetizing My Website

Start Monitizing My Website

Is it possible to Start Monetizing My Website? Definitely, provided that you do it right. It takes a lot of time and effort to monetize your website. Here’s how to do it.

What are the benefits of monetizing your website?

The popularity of successful bloggers and content creators may give the impression that making money online is easy. The most common misconception is that all you need to do is build a website or blog, choose how to monetize it, and sit back to earn money.

Most bloggers make less than $5000 a year in reality. Many quit before they even reach $50,000. But why?

The hard part is making it continually valuable so you can make money from it. It is easy to start a website or blog. 

Your website can make you money if you build your audience first. Make sure your content meets their needs.  Integrate social media into your content strategy and be consistent. It is likely you will succeed if you follow this step by step monthly.

Bloggers can earn six-figure incomes through their blogs. In addition to paid advertising, advertisements and e-commerce sales, sponsored deals are employed by other sites.

They may have built their audiences, their authority, and their traffic over years. Many blogs and websites fail to make money because they are not going to make money on their own.

In order to engage your audience, you have to create content, optimize your website for search engines, and build a social media following. Then you may be able to start making money.

Start Monetizing My Website

1. Using Google AdSense for PPC advertising

Whenever a reader clicks an advertisement banner, a website owner earns passive income. Google AdSense is the most popular tool for this.

You can easily make money with Google AdSense, as setting it up is not difficult. Ads can be easily placed on a blog or website by the site owner. Having multiple sites is not a hindrance to becoming an AdSense partner.

2. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is the act of promoting other websites through affiliate links. You’ll be paid a percentage of sales made by those sites.  

Affiliate links should be clearly visible on your site if you use them. Try to recommend only items that your audience is likely to like.

Several companies offer affiliate programs. A popular one is Amazon’s.

3. Create and sell a physical or digital product

When you are short on time, selling digital products can be a great monetization method since it does not require you to continually produce content (like blogging does). Creating the product is the first step, followed by promoting it to your audience and new readers.

It is necessary to pay more attention to physical product sales. The solution is to let a third-party provider handle inventory management, fulfillment, and shipping, so that you can focus on customer service and marketing.

4. Memberships

You can earn a steady income by setting up a paid membership. A gated community is a paid online environment where you can offer users conversations, forums, and workshops. A paid membership will give you access to a variety of educational materials, such as courses, webinars, and podcasts, if you are interested in online learning.

5. Monetization based on donations

Providing value to your readers and wanting to grow your website requires support. You can ask politely for donations. The majority of your readers won’t donate, but with enough traffic, you can make a decent income and sustain your website.

Set up donation buttons on your site so that readers can make direct contributions. Connect them to payment processors like PayPal, Stripe, or Fundly.

Place the buttons anywhere you like by adding them as widgets. Readers should be able to find them easily.

6. Flipping and selling websites

Investments in monetizing websites that need a boost can yield a good income. Next, increasing their traffic, increasing their value, and then selling them. Those steps constitute website fling.

In order to succeed, you need to choose the right website based on its potential to sell. According to Empire Flippers, the highest price is usually found on e-commerce, financial, and drop-shipping sites.  The metrics you should keep track of include traffic, SEO, conversion rates, audience, and monthly revenue.

A good way to make money is by building and selling pre-built websites. However, this isn’t easy. It is important to find a niche, promote it, grow it to make it attractive, monetize the website, and sell it. If you sell the site, someone will buy it.

7. Become a coach/consultant

One-on-one coaching (or consulting, depending on the services you offer) often provides more detailed and personalized instruction than a book or course can.

Those who have been successful in selling books and courses often turn to coaching or consulting as a monetization strategy.

Consultants can also be your monetization strategy from the very beginning, not just for established bloggers.

Like most monetization strategies we’ve already discussed, coaching relies on your ability to use your skill set and experience to help others solve problems in their lives.

8. Start a Virtual Summit for Your Niche

You may have heard of or attended a virtual summit before, if you follow internet trends.

There is a difference between a virtual summit or a web conference and a webinar.

There are two main differences between virtual summits and traditional summits. In essence, they are webinars you can watch with speakers covering a specific topic, a host, and a Q&A session.

Even though you can usually attend virtual summits for free, you can only have access to them for a limited amount of time. A majority of the organizer’s revenue comes from selling an “all-access pass” that allows attendees to access conference materials at any time.


Managing a site for a living can be an exciting experience. It is essential that you provide traffic on your website to monetize it successfully. I

Also Read: How to Start Monitizing from YouTube Without Much Subscribers

Hello, I'm Sejal Jain, Editor at Currently, Pursuing B.Tech in Computer Science from Medi-Caps University, Indore. I am a Tech Enthusiast and a Voracious Learner, getting my hands dirty in as many fields I can, including, Content Writing| Designing | Marketing| Develpoment. Connect to me on LinkedIn and let me know your feedback for my work. I would love to hear from you.

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