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Self-serve Reddit Ads: A Guide to Advertising on Reddit

Advertising on Reddit

Alexa reports that Reddit ranked 18th worldwide in February 2021 and seventh nationally. More than 100K active communities and 50 billion monthly views. It is without a doubt a huge social network. 

Community involvement

There are discussions on Reddit about pretty much everything imaginable, from fashion to anime to current events to cryptocurrency to minimalism to-well, you get the idea. Throughout the platform, there are nine verticals, which are further subdivided into 29 categories, each of which contains subreddits that act as a kind of directory for discussions about specific topics within those categories.

It is a community made up of passionate people who love (or hate) what they do and actively participate in relevant, specific subreddits related to their passions. Reddit is a bit more specific than other social media platforms, and that makes it better. If you look at it in terms of advertising, you won’t be trying to capture the lion’s share of the Reddit community-it would never be a viable strategy, and would likely backfire. You can use Reddit effectively as either an advertiser or a regular user by conducting some research, understanding where your peers are, and engaging them on specific subreddits. 

Advertising on Reddit: Why Should You Do It?

You can gain a tremendous amount of exposure on Reddit for starting. You can also offer your services or products directly to individuals or small groups of your intended audience, given that Reddit focuses on niche communities.

If your advertising aligns with the interests of a dedicated subset, this connection can increase overall sales.

Advertising on Reddit for a number of reasons

It is an interactive experience to Advertising on Reddit. Comments and discussions about your ad are essential to a successful Reddit ad. Often Redditors will discredit the claims your ad makes or suggest alternatives to your offer in the comments section. In addition to voting up or down, users can also choose to display your ad more often or less often. As you can imagine, these features aren’t available on other digital marketing platforms, so you shouldn’t just sit back and watch your ad generate traffic or sales. A Reddit ad is only as good as the engagement and participation it receives.

Creating a successful Reddit ad

Setting up an ad is simple, but making your campaign successful requires the right approach. Here we will discuss the basics of creating a successful Reddit ad.

Targeting the right audience

Advertisers should always keep this in mind as the first step. Interested in reaching a niche audience, or serving your ads to Reddit’s general audience?

Unless your brand has mass appeal, you should target specific subreddits when you run a campaign. Your brand can be promoted directly to the people who care about it when you target subreddits. 

Concepts that Work on Advertising on Reddit

Reddit’s community-based environment is very different from traditional advertising. You will not get results by merely posting a link to your website. You need to make your ad personal and target only certain subreddits. A few pointers include:

  • Make use of text ads. In any case, always use text ads with links included in the body text to increase conversions. Even though most advertisers are nervous about using text ads, our experience has shown that they convert better. Reddit’s Body Text feature allows you to communicate with users and build trust before asking them to visit your website.
  • Get feedback from Redditors. Redditors love giving feedback, and the platform is great for crowdsourcing ideas. Redditors will appreciate that you asked for their opinions and you will be impressed with the feedback you receive. After that, you can make changes based on their feedback and return to Reddit to let people know what you did.
  • You can offer a discount to a targeted subreddit if you are promoting a coupon. You should avoid promoting things you promote elsewhere. Providing a coupon code tailored to the particular subreddit (e.g. subreddit10OFF) is a nice touch.
  • Promote your philanthropic efforts on Reddit. It is a great platform for promoting your latest charity drive or social entrepreneurship initiative since Redditors are always giving back. 
  • Personalize your creative work. The best way to submit your ad is by a personal Reddit account (for example, sejal_company_name). Redditors will be more inclined to interact with you. Add a personal touch to copy and thumbnails.

Find out how to set up your own Reddit ad.

How to Advertise on Reddit: A Guide to Self-Serve Reddit Ads : Social Media  Examiner

#1: Register for a Reddit Ads account

#2: Develop an ad campaign for Reddit

#3: Create an Ad Campaign on Reddit

#4: Set Targets, Budgets, and Schedules

#4: Create a Reddit advertisement

#6: Run your Reddit advertisement

Growing a Subreddit with Reddit Ads

You might think using Reddit ads to grow your subreddit is a good idea, but it might not work as you expect. Promoting one subreddit in isolation will be very challenging. The best way to advertise your subreddit is to find neighboring subreddits that are similar to your own and then create an advertisement that points to your subreddit.


Your small business can benefit significantly from Reddit self-serve ads if you use them correctly. If you are brand-new to the platform, you should explore it in-depth and get a sense of its culture. Reddit’s advertising system will allow you to create fantastic ads once you’re familiar with it.

Your brand and your products or services will get massive exposure when you target specific subreddits. The more traffic you bring your way, the more sales you’ll generate.

Also Read: List of Social Media Advertising Platform | E-Commerce Seller

Hello, I'm Sejal Jain, Editor at Currently, Pursuing B.Tech in Computer Science from Medi-Caps University, Indore. I am a Tech Enthusiast and a Voracious Learner, getting my hands dirty in as many fields I can, including, Content Writing| Designing | Marketing| Develpoment. Connect to me on LinkedIn and let me know your feedback for my work. I would love to hear from you.

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