
Health & Wellness

How to avoid pregnancy after sex | Emergency Contraception for Teens

how to avoid pregnancy after sex

The question “How to avoid pregnancy after sex?” is best answered with Emergency Contraception. Contraception can prevent pregnancy and some types will protect you from sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

Perhaps you find yourself wondering how to avoid pregnancy after sex? Which method is best for me and my lifestyle? What method protects against STIs?

We have listed some of the most popular types of contraceptives.

The Condom

A condom is the only form of contraception that prevents pregnancy and most STIs. Contraception like this can be used on-demand, is hormone-free, and can be taken anywhere. It is available in both male and female varieties. 

Male condoms act as a barrier between sexes by preventing the transfer of sexual fluids through the erect penis. The female condom is placed in her vagina before sex. 

Pros: It effectively prevents STIs; is used on-demand; is hormone-free.

Cons include: It can come off or tear if not used properly during sex. Some people are allergic to latex condoms.

The Oral Contraceptive Pill

You take a tablet once a day. The most commonly used contraceptive is the oral contraceptive pill. Additionally, it is the go-to answer to the question, “How to avoid pregnancy after sex?”.It is important to find the right pill for you out of the many types of pills available. 

Combination pills contain estrogen and progestin, and mini pills only contain progestin. There are many benefits to taking these pills, but you need to keep track of the time when you take them.

Pros of taking the pill include: It is highly effective when used correctly; it does not disrupt sexual arousal. Also, some pills may reduce heavy and painful periods or improve acne.

Cons include: Forgetting to take your pill can reduce its effectiveness. It is only suitable for women and is not suitable for women who cannot take estrogen-containing contraception. Additionally, it does not protect against STIs.

Intrauterine Device (IUD)

A trained healthcare provider fits this T-shaped device inside a woman’s uterus and it contains a hormone or plastic and copper. Contraception that is long-acting and reversible can last between three and ten years, depending on the type.

The hormones in some IUDs are gradually released to prevent pregnancy. In addition, a healthcare professional can fit the IUD for emergency contraception if the patient has not had unprotected sexual activity for at least five days (120 hours).

Copper-containing IUDs are 99% effective, and hormonal IUDs are 99.8% effective, so you are as protected as you can be by contraception.

Cons: In the first six months of use, spotting and irregular bleeding may occur. Moreover, it must be inserted and removed by a trained healthcare provider. It does not prevent STIs.

The Contraceptive Implant

A thin, flexible rod is inserted under the skin in a woman’s upper arm, releasing a hormone called progesterone. Additionally, it is the go-to answer to the question, “How to avoid pregnancy after sex?”.By thickening the cervical mucus, the hormone prevents the egg from releasing into the body and prevents sperm from entering. After three years, the implant needs to be replaced using a local anesthetic and a small procedure.

The implant is highly effective and does not interrupt sex. It is a long-term, reversible contraceptive method.

Con: Insertion and removal require a healthcare provider with training. Initially, there may be irregular bleeding. Additionally, it does not protect against STIs.

The Contraceptive Injection

Progestogen hormone is present in the injection. Upon injection into the buttock or upper arm of a woman, the hormone gets slowly released into your bloodstream over 12 weeks.

Advantages: The injection will last up to three months. This method is very effective, and it also permits sexual spontaneity without interfering with the relationship.

Cons: Interrupted cycles or irregular bleeding may occur as a result of the injection. The total number of months also needs to be kept track of. It does not prevent STIs.

Emergency Contraception Pill (The ‘Morning After Pill)

In cases in which contraception has not been used, a condom has broken during sex, or a woman has been sexually assaulted, the Emergency Contraception Pill is used to prevent pregnancy following sex. In the morning after unprotected sex, it can be effective for up to five days, thus its nickname “morning after pill”. When taken within three days of sex, it prevents nearly 85% of expected pregnancies.

A special dose of female hormones is in this pill. There are no restrictions on taking emergency contraception pills; even women who cannot take other oral contraceptives can use them.

In addition to nausea and vomiting, the next period may be early or delayed as a result of the emergency contraceptive. Contraception cannot prevent STIs.

Contraceptive Ring

Using this method, a flexible plastic ring constantly releases hormones and is placed in the vagina by the woman. For three weeks, you place it, remove it, take a week off, and then replace it. The ring releases the hormones estrogen and progesterone. These hormones similar to those used in the combined oral contraceptive pill, but taken in a much lower dose.

The pros of vaginal rings include: you can insert and remove them yourself; it comes with few side effects, you can control your periods, and your fertility quickly returns after removing them.

The cons are: It is not suitable for women who cannot use estrogen-containing contraception; you need to remember to replace it at the right time; does not protect against STIs.


An obstruction in the vagina created by putting a small, soft silicone dome inside the vagina. As a condom, it prevents sperm from releasing into the ovaries. The diaphragm must remain in place for six hours after sex. After six – but not more than 24 hours after sex – it should be removed and cleaned.

Pros: You can use the same diaphragm more than once, and it can last up to two years if you take care of it.

Cons: Diaphragms can be difficult to use at first and keeping track of how many hours you’ve inserted can be challenging. When used correctly, the diaphragm works reasonably well, but not as well as a pill, a contraceptive implant, or an IUD.


Using open or minimally invasive surgery, sterilization destroys the body’s ability to reproduce. A permanent form of contraception, it is ideal for those who do not wish to have children in the future. Female and male sterilization is available. During this procedure, general anesthesia used.

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