
Health & Wellness

Top 10 Proven Tips to Sleep Better at Night

Sleep Better at Night

“A healthy mind lives in a healthy body” – this well said quotation clearly conveys the truth about life. In order to be happy, your body and mind need to be healthy, and a good night’s sleep can help you achieve this. It is just as important to get a good night’s sleep as to exercise regularly and eat healthily. It is proven that inadequate sleep has immediate negative effects on your hormones, exercise performance, and cognitive function. As a result, understanding what affects your sleep and what actions need to be taken to ensure a comfortable night of rest is crucial. Consider all the factors that can interfere with a good night’s rest, from work stress to unexpected challenges like illness. Quality sleep can be hard to come by sometimes.

Even if you can’t control the factors affecting your sleep, you can form habits that will enable you to sleep better. 

Here are a few simple tips to get you started.

1. Light exposure should be considered

Circadian rhythms are responsible for the 24-hour cycle of mental, physical, and behavioral changes. They are regulated by our biological clock. According to this study, there is a relationship between these natural processes and exposure to light and darkness. Light exposure lengthens and deepens your sleep. Secondly, the more blue light you are exposed to before sleep, especially from your electronic devices, the less quality of sleep you will get. 

2. Limit your intake of alcohol and caffeine

Caffeine is well known for providing health benefits, such as enhancing energy and improving focus. If you take a cup of coffee 6 hours before going to bed, it will remain elevated in your blood for 6-7 hours, affecting your sleep. You may feel more alert from taking coffee before bed. A better night’s sleep is believed to be derived from alcohol. Despite the fact that it can make you sleepy, it adversely affects subsequent quality of sleep. It also deteriorates your health and causes insomnia.

3. Exercise regularly, but not right before going to bed

Exercise improves your sleep and health in a number of ways, according to science. Insomnia symptoms have been reduced using this remedy.  Study results showed that exercise reduced the time it took older adults to fall asleep and gave them 41 more minutes of sleep. Exercise was more effective than most sleep medications for people with severe insomnia. Exercise increased total sleep time by 18% while decreasing sleep time to fall asleep by 55%, total night wakefulness by 30%, and anxiety by 15%.

4. Focus on your diet

For a good night’s sleep, it is imperative to eat well before bedtime. Consuming fatty foods, eating late, and munching on unhealthy snacks can negatively affect the natural release of human growth hormone. For easy digestion and a good night’s sleep, it is suggested that you eat a light meal two hours before bed. There are many foods that will help you sleep better at night, such as vegetable soup, salad, and protein smoothies.

5. Maintain a regular sleep schedule 

To avoid disturbing your biological clock, you should establish a sleep routine. Nowadays, people prefer sleeping late at night after watching a movie or having a drink due to increasing technology and lifestyle changes. The stress in your body will increase, while your melatonin level will drop, which makes you sleepy.

6. Create an environment conducive to sound sleep 

Your bed and sleep environment aren’t maintained adequately if you’ve been pondering how to sleep better every night. Sleep quality is directly impacted by your body temperature and the temperature of your bedroom. The temperature should be set based on climate changes and the environment must be stable. Make sure that you have the best quality mattress, bed, and pillow to ensure a good night’s sleep. Ensure a warm environment to put you to sleep smoothly by avoiding all other activities except sleeping, like watching tv, playing a game, or having food on the bed.

7.  Leaving tobacco and smoking behind 

Besides harming our health in general, smoking is an enemy of rest. Insomnia, sleep fragmentation, sleep apnea, and snoring are some of the sleep disorders associated with nicotine that make falling asleep tough.

8.  Make sure you get enough sleep 

A maximum of eight hours of sleep is recommended. Ideally, an adult should sleep seven hours a night. Most people can accomplish this goal by sleeping for eight hours or less.

Keep the same time for going to bed and waking up every day. Don’t let your sleep schedule differ by more than one hour between weeknights and weekends. Maintaining a consistent sleep-wake cycle makes your body more efficient.

Leaving your bedroom for a while and doing something relaxing can help you fall asleep. Take a soothing bath or read a book. Once you feel sleepy, head to bed. If needed, repeat. 

9. Avoid taking long or irregular naps during the day 

Even though short naps during the day are beneficial, longer or irregular naps can negatively impact your sleep. When you sleep during the day, your internal clock is confused, so you may have difficulty sleeping at night. 

10. Consult your doctor when necessary 

The sooner you get treated for your sleep disorders, the better off you will be. If you are consistently experiencing disruptions to your sleep due to restlessness, snoring hard, or gastroesophageal reflux, it would be best to consult a physician.


An abundance of benefits can be derived from a good night’s sleep for your mind and body. You are forced to turn your biological clock in different directions due to increasing work pressure and lifestyle changes, which negatively impact sleep quality. The quality of your sleep is crucial to your health. Insufficient sleep was associated with an increased risk of obesity by 89% in children and 55% in adults, according to a large review. The risk of developing heart disease and type 2 diabetes increases when you sleep less than 7–8 hours per night. To achieve optimal health and wellbeing, it is important to prioritize sleep and make some of the tips above a priority.

Also Read: Intermittent fasting diet plan: What to Eat & When? A Complete Guide

Hello, I'm Sejal Jain, Editor at Currently, Pursuing B.Tech in Computer Science from Medi-Caps University, Indore. I am a Tech Enthusiast and a Voracious Learner, getting my hands dirty in as many fields I can, including, Content Writing| Designing | Marketing| Develpoment. Connect to me on LinkedIn and let me know your feedback for my work. I would love to hear from you.

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