

Why Are Love Marriages So Difficult in India?

Love marriages in India

Love marriages have always been a bit more difficult in India, partly because female purity is viewed with value by Indian families, so if an unmarried woman has sex before marriage, her family disapproves of the lad, who would then often end up leaving the girl without ever marrying. Comparison of love and arranged marriage in India.

Love Marriage vs Arrange Marriage

Love marriages are generally considered to be the most sincere, authentic and fulfilling relationships because they are based on mutual love and respect. On the other hand, arranged marriages are almost always based on considerations such as advantageous matchmaking, financial stability and social status.

Indian marriages are known for being difficult. There are countless reasons why this may be, but here is a breakdown of the most common ones:

– Tradition: Indian culture places a lot of importance on marriage alliances and family ties. Marriage is seen as a lifelong commitment and often requires a lot of negotiation between families. Couples must also try to adhere to traditional values and beliefs, which can sometimes be at odds with each other.

– Economic pressures: Many young Indians are looking to get married off as soon as possible in order to improve their social standing and secure better jobs and financial prospects. This can create tension between couples who want to take their time getting to know each other before tying the knot.

– Marriage traditions: In Indian culture, many marriages involve religious ceremonies overseen by priests or elders. These ceremonies can be complicated and time-consuming, which can add extra pressure for couples who need to get married quickly in order to have a baby.

Why are love marriages so difficult in India?

Love marriages in India are typically difficult because of cultural norms and social mores. There are a number of reasons why Indian love marriages are so difficult to maintain, most of which have to do with the traditional mores of the society.

In a nutshell, the Indian system is based on hierarchical principles. The idea is that the position of a person in a social hierarchy is determined by their rank in relation to other members of their caste or tribe. Love marriages, which involve two people from different castes or tribes, generally don’t play well within this system.

First and foremost, the traditional Indian system is based on notions of hierarchy and precedence. This means that people believe that certain positions – such as those held by members of higher castes or tribes – should be given preferential treatment over those held by members of lower castes or tribes. This includes matters such as who can marry who and where relationships should take place.

In short, for an Indian love marriage to work, both partners need to be content with their respective positions in the social hierarchy. If one partner feels like they’re being pushed down in rank, it can lead to tension and resentment within the relationship. This is especially

How can a love marriage be made to happen?

The answer to this question is a little difficult, as love marriages are not common in India. In general, arranged marriages are more common in India, and they are usually based on familial ties and wealth. Love marriages, on the other hand, are rarer and more difficult to achieve. There are many reasons why love marriages can be difficult to make happen in India.

First of all, most Indian families consider marriage as a way to strengthen their connections with each other. Families will often push their children towards marriage alliances that will generate potential benefits for the family. Because of this perspective, love matches between people are often discouraged or even forbidden. For example, if one person in a couple does not have a strong relationship with their parents or siblings, it may be difficult for them to find a match that will satisfy both sets of requirements.

Additionally, social norms play a big role in Indian marriages. In most cultures, it is considered unacceptable for one spouse to divorce or cheat on their partner. This can make it much more difficult for someone who wants to get divorced to do so successfully. Finally, there is the belief that arranged marriages are better for both parties involved. Indians generally believe that choosing a spouse based on


In our society, love marriages are often seen as preferable. However, this preference comes at a cost. Indian love marriages are difficult because of the cultural factors that play into them. Additionally, these marriages often involve a lot of compromise and adjustment on both sides. If you are considering getting involved in an Indian love marriage, be prepared for a challenge — but also know that it could be one of the most rewarding relationships you ever have.

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I'm Shruti Mishra, Editorial Director @Newsblare Media, growing up in the bustling city of New Delhi, I was always fascinated by the power of words. This love for words and storytelling led me to pursue a career in journalism. In this position, I oversee the editorial team and plan out content strategies for our digital news platform. I am constantly seeking new ways to engage readers with thought-provoking and impactful stories.

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