On Friday, the Bharatiya Janata Party released the first set of its Delhi Assembly Elections 2025 manifesto, which states it will strive to make Delhi “Viksit Delhi.” Leaders such as the BJP National President JP Nadda and the Delhi BJP chief Virendra Sachdeva were present on the occasion where the party had released its manifesto, Sankalp Patra. Focusing on welfare initiatives, especially for women and health, the BJP’s promises for Delhi Assembly Elections 2025 look forward to bringing significant reforms if the party comes to power.
List of BJP’s promises for Delhi Assembly Elections 2025
The key poll promises include the Mahila Samriddhi Yojana, which will give ₹2,500 per month to women and subsidies of ₹500 per LPG cylinder and free cylinders during Holi and Diwali. Under the Maatratva Suraksha Vandana Yojana, pregnant women will get six nutritional kits and ₹21,000 financial assistance from the Chief Minister’s fund.
Nadda also promised the implementation of Ayushman Bharat for 51 lakh beneficiaries and an additional health insurance cover for up to ₹5 lakh. Pensions for seniors above 60 years would be raised to ₹2,500, while for seniors above 70 years, widows, differently-abled persons, and destitute persons to ₹3,000. Free treatment worth ₹10 lakh and free diagnostic services were also promised.
BJP Aims to Kill Hunger If Wins Elections
The BJP has revealed the Atal Canteen scheme with an aim to kill hunger; this is a scheme under which it will provide nutritious meals to the underprivileged at just ₹5 per meal.
Nadda claimed that the BJP has already committed to fulfilling all promises. He said that 95% of promises from its 2019 manifesto have already been implemented. Nadda mentioned that the rest of the parts of the BJP’s manifesto would come soon.
Polling for all 70 Delhi assembly seats will be done on February 5, and the result will be announced on February 8. Delhi Assembly Elections 2025 BJP’s promises focus on women, health, senior citizens, and food security, reflecting a commitment to last-mile delivery of welfare schemes.
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