
Real Estate

Steps to understand 1031 exchange rules for Real Estate investors

1031 exchange rules

If you are a smart and knowledgeable real estate investor, you know that the 1031 exchange is a common strategy that will help to grow your net worth faster than ever. It will also improve the portfolio and is more efficient. 

1031 exchange news has fascinated many investors to sell through these exchange policies. If you plan to sell your property and are willing to earn a high-profit strategy, it can be useful.

What is 1031 exchange?

1031 exchange is an exchange policy named after the internal revenue code of US 1031. It is a way which can postpone capital gain tax when you sell an investment property or business by buying a similar property. It is also known as a “like-kind exchange,” which provides efficient tax benefits.

How to understand the rules?

Understand internal revenue code 1031

According to the 1031 internal revenue code of the US, when you exchange real estate property used for business or investment purposes for other investment property for business purposes, it is a like-kind investment. It will avoid taxation for the ongoing investment of property. The sole purpose of this revenue code introduced in 1921 is to encourage active reinvestment.

If your properties eligible for the 1031 exchange

Although personal properties like primary residential vacation homes don’t come under this exchange program, financial instruments like bonds that stock inventory certificates and partnership interest are only sometimes exchangeable. 

This exchange policy on the properties is usually helpful for active real estate investors who are selling and buying properties to defer the capital gain tax. It is important to understand the nature of the property before applying for this exchange reinvestment. They have a strict timeline that allows the investor to invest in the property in the given time to qualify for an intermediary tax benefit. It will also be helpful to use capital gains instead of the down payment for the next property to gain profit in your reinvested property.

1031 exchange is also of a different type

Under the 1031 exchange, there are the five most common types used by investors to gain profit according to the property and requirement. 

Delayed exchange with the sold property and replacement property is purchased in the window of time.

A simultaneous exchange is purchasing the property simultaneously when the current properties are being sold.

Delayed reverse exchange is when you purchase a new property before the current one is relinquished.

Delayed built-to-suit is a type of exchange when current properties replace newly built property according to the needs of investors.

Simultaneous built-to-suit is a purchase of built-to-suit before the current property is sold. 

It is important to understand that you are qualified according to this type of 1031 exchange.

Basic exchange rule to follow

The three exchange rules that require advanced planning are

  • The value of the replacement property should be equal to or greater than the sold one.
  • It should be identified within the window time of 45 days.
  • The replacement property is supposed to be purchased in 180 days.

These golden rules will help to acquire the best deal under this exchange investment program.

Eliminating capital gain permanently

1031 exchange refers to the payment accumulated by the capital gain tax being put off if the real estate investor passes away and all the estate is passed to the heir; after revaluation, all the capital gain taxes are eliminated. 


1031 exchange is interested in an interest-free loan that prevents you from paying taxes on capital gains from real estate. It will give you extra money to enjoy a high rental income and grow your portfolio faster and better.

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