

Are Males Going To Extinct Due To Lack Of Y-Chromosome?

Are Males Going To Extinct Due To Lack Of Y-Chromosome

Males going to extinct due to lack of Y-Chromosome. The Y chromosome is like a tiny guidebook hidden in our cells. It’s part of our genetic makeup deciding who we become. Here’s something interesting that females have two X chromosomes. Males have one X and one Y chromosome. The Y chromosome is the key that makes a person male. It holds a special gene called SRY and this gene signals the developing baby to start building testes. These testes then produce male hormones which shape a boy’s features.

The world with no Y chromosomes therefore boys would be very different as males going to extinct. The Y chromosome guides the baby’s body to follow the “boy plan.” Without it the cells in the embryo would become ovaries instead of testes. Ovaries mean female hormones which lead to a baby girl. So the Y chromosome is important to ensure we have both boys and girls.

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Why Y chromosome are declining?

Think of the Y chromosome as a small and a fading treasure map hidden in our cells. It holds the key to all things male have like rugged looks, deep voices and a love for sports but the problem is that over millions of years the Y chromosome has been shrinking. It’s like your favorite jeans getting smaller after many washes. But this shrinking happens very slowly. So why is this happening?

Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes and one pair decides our sex. XX for females and XY for males. The Y chromosome has been losing genes and getting smaller over time and could disappear completely in next 11 million years if this trends continue. It’s like a pocket-sized version of the X chromosome with only about 55 active genes left compared to the X’s 900, 166 million years ago. Why? The Y chromosome doesn’t have a partner to swap genes with during cell division. Unlike other chromosomes it’s a bit lonely so it accumulates mutations and loses genes along the way. 

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