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Top 10 SEO Trends to Drive More Traffic in 2022

SEO Trends to Drive More Traffic

There are many SEO Trends to Drive More Traffic to your site. One of the most effective ways to attract potential customers to your website is through search engine optimization (SEO). However, you have to use it correctly. Google receives an estimated 3.5B searches each day, according to statistics. Although the organic search results on Google’s second page get an average click-through rate of only 0.78 percent, the #1 result in the results gets a click-through rate of 31.7%.

How does this stat reflect the situation?

You must rank on page one of the SERPs to generate organic traffic. That’s where SEO comes in. Search engine optimization continues to evolve, though. We’re going to cover ten important SEO Trends to Drive More Traffic in this post.

SEO Trends to Drive More Traffic in 2022

Google’s algorithm changes frequently, so you need to modify your SEO strategy to rank higher or simply maintain your rankings. Here are the most significant SEO Trends to Drive More Traffic in 2022 to help you decide what tools and strategies you should use.

1. Ranking factors for Google’s Core Web Vitals

Google announced in May 2020 three new metrics, called Core Web Vitals, that will be used to measure user experience: Loading, Interactivity, and Visual Stability. Three metrics measure one thing, and that is page speed: how fast does the page load, how soon does it become interactive, and how stable is it during loading.

In May 2022, Google will begin incorporating Core Web Vitals into its ranking factors, so you will have to pay attention to them to appear on the first page. User experience metrics, for example, will let search engine bots determine which of two pages is more relevant if there are two.

2. BERT searches for matches based on intent

By using machine learning (ML) and natural language processing (NLP), Google’s BERT algorithm (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) can better understand what users are searching for. Google English works in almost 70 languages.

Google’s BERT update has made its search engine bots far more “conversational,” so it can now interpret the intent of the searcher. Google now understands things like the human brain.

3. The importance of keyword research will increase

There are more than 50% of searches that do not require a click. Over half of the Google searches (approx. 175 billion searches a month) do not lead to a click. Using rich results in the SERP, such as Google business listings with contact information and menus, relevant questions with accordion answers, and more, consumers can access the answers they need without even clicking a result – or even typing out the question.

4. Original content is still important to Google

A great deal of importance is placed on authentic content by businesses in terms of SEO and ranking as well as branding. In other words, the content is unique and has not previously been published.

Are you willing to buy an identical shirt to the one you already have? Not at all! Here, the same thing happens. Many pages (thousands of pages) are indexed on Google that contains similar content. Why would Google rank your piece above existing, similar content already ranking on the web? Other than the top-ranked results, why would others bother to check what else is out there? You must ensure your content adds value to your brand voice and language by being authentic, valuable, and helpful. 

5. Voice search

Voice search is used by 27% of all mobile phone users around the world according to Google’s research. According to ComScore, 50% of smartphone users will be actively searching for information using voice search by 2020.

Those are usually long-tail and very specific queries. The purpose of voice search is to find details about a query. This group of users is at the consideration stage of the funnel and is more likely to convert than the rest. Due to more people opting for voice search optimization with time, it is also expected to continue to trend in 2022 as well. In terms of SEO, this is a necessity.

6. The concept of artificial intelligence

The SEO and marketing industry is also changing as a result of AI, just like most other industries. It is the personalization provided by AI that is responsible for this impact. Google utilizes artificial intelligence to provide searchers with the results they want.

Understanding the search engine algorithms that rank web pages take years. It takes a lot of time to create strategies accordingly. AI and machine learning can help with such strategies, as well. Decoding algorithms and generating favorable strategies would be much more efficient and powerful.

7. The use of video marketing

With over 1 billion users, YouTube is the second most popular search engine after Google. Whether you like videos or not, it’s time for you to start.

How can that video content be optimized for search engines? Optimize your video channel name and description first. The description of your channel should not be overloaded with keywords but should describe your channel in a user-friendly way.

8. Snippets featuring

A featured snippet, or Position Zero, appears at the top of the SERP in the rectangular box.

In addition to being useful for searchers, these snippets are beneficial for websites as well. For any given search, you cannot choose which content to show in the Featured Snippet; it’s determined by Google algorithm bots.

9. Influencer marketing for SEO

Influencers have millions of followers, and if you can get in front of these people, they may become your customers.

Influencers like these gain the trust of their potential audience over time and if they come forward to support your brand, the ROI can be huge. Therefore, 89% of marketers think marketing via influencers has a comparable ROI or is even better than other marketing techniques.

10. Branded SEO & EAT

When it comes to ranking, Google prioritizes quality content. But does “quality” alone make a difference? The EAT principle is expertise, authority, and trustworthiness.

Brands are the future of search engine optimization. The focus of SEO has shifted to branding and authority. Rank higher and more often on Google if your brand is popular and authentic. Throughout the next few months, you’ll see this.

Therefore, you should work on establishing your brand’s reputation. Make it a top priority in your SEO strategy for 2022. To increase search queries for your brand, increase brand awareness. A brand query is a ranking factor that will help you rank higher and establish yourself as a trusted brand on Google.

Also Read: Top 10 Best SEO Auditing Tools you should use in 2021


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