

Gurugram Weather Forecast Today [Live Updates]

Gurugram Weather Forecast Today, Tomorrow, and Next 10 Days
Gurugram Weather Forecast Today
Gurugram, IN
8:15 am, Feb 8, 2025
temperature icon 10°C
Humidity Humidity: 71 %
Pressure Pressure: 1017 mb
Wind Wind: 7 mph
Wind Gust Wind Gust: 0 mph
Clouds Clouds: 35%
Visibility Visibility: 3 km
Sunrise Sunrise: 7:05 am
Sunset Sunset: 6:06 pm

Do you know what the weather forecast today in Gurugram is? The city is rapidly growing, and with lots of changing weather during the year, it always pays to be prepared for what to expect from the day. Stepping out for a meeting, out for some shopping, or just unwinding at one of the modern hubs of Gurugram, as you well know, the weather plays a big part in how the day turns out. While it checks whether you need that umbrella or try to find the best time for an evening walk, it’s always good to have those minute details.

Stay tuned as we bring you the latest updates about how the temperature will be today, what humidity can be expected if there are chances of rain and much more. You surely will not want to miss out on getting the sunrise and sunset timings, perfect enough for planning out the way you want to spend your outdoor time! Here is how the weather today in Gurugram will be.

Weather Today in Gurugram – What Is Expected?

  • Location: Gurugram
  • Expected weather: sunny
  • High: 31°C
  • Low: 20°C
  • Humidity: 34%
  • Wind Speed: 4 km/h
  • Probability of Percipitation: 0%

The weather forecast today in Gurugram is likely to be [Sunny]. Here is an overview:

Weather in Gurugram Today

Find Gurugram’s weather for Sunday, Nov 10 2024 here


  • Temperature: 20°C
  • Humidity: 34%
  • Wind: 4 km/h
  • Air Quality Index: 410 Severe
  • Chance of Rain: 0%

Today the weather in the city will be cool/mild, which will suit already early morning outdoor activities (prone to change)


  • Temperature: 31°C
  • Humidity: 34%
  • Wind: 4 km/h
  • Air Quality Index: 410 Severe
  • Chance of Rain: 0%

It will get warm to reach 31°C by noon; therefore, it would be advised to avoid going out to avoid pollen when it getting too warm. (prone to change)


  • Temperature: 19°C
  • Humidity: 34%
  • Wind: 4 km/h
  • Air Quality Index: 410 Severe

Sunset and Sunrise in Gurugram Today

It will warm up to/ come down to 30°C in the nightfall; giving a small break from the warmth of the day. The chance of rain is about 2%.  (this statement will be changed accordingly)

  • Sunrise: 6:41 AM
  • Sunset: 5:30 PM

Weather today in Gurugram is likely to be hotter for..(highly polluted with severe condition)… Keep an eye on online updates about the weather across India today. We wish you a great day. Take all measures according to the weather, and enjoy your favourite food. (this statement will be changed accordingly).

Gurugram Weather Tomorrow:

Tomorrow, the Gurugram weather forecast predicted (Min 19, Max 31) temperature, (33%) humidity, (0%) chance of rain).

Gurugram Weather Next 10 Days

For the next ten days, we can expect temperatures between (Min 12, Max 31), and humidity levels ranging from (34% to 28%). There are chance/no chance of rain.

Editorial Director
I'm Shruti Mishra, Editorial Director @Newsblare Media, growing up in the bustling city of New Delhi, I was always fascinated by the power of words. This love for words and storytelling led me to pursue a career in journalism. In this position, I oversee the editorial team and plan out content strategies for our digital news platform. I am constantly seeking new ways to engage readers with thought-provoking and impactful stories.

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