Mumbai Police, in a breakthrough in the Saif Ali Khan stabbing case, arrested Bangladeshi national Mohammad Shariful Islam Shehzad, who allegedly attacked the Bollywood actor at his Bandra residence on January 16. The suspect, who had illegally entered India and assumed the name Bijoy Das, was apprehended in Thane on Sunday after an extensive manhunt.
A significant lead in the case emerged when the accused paid for a paratha and a glass of water at a Worli stall, using Google Pay from the UPI account. This helped the police trace his mobile number and reach a dense mangrove area near Thane, where they spotted Shariful hiding in the bushes following a search involving nearly 100 officers.
Saif Ali Khan stabbing case: How did attacker enter Saif’s home?
According to reports, Shariful had climbed up the pipes from a bathroom window to reach the 12th floor of Saif Ali Khan’s residence in Bandra. Khan’s staff found him and questioned him in front of Khan himself after the intruder asked for ₹1 crore. According to the police, the intruder stabbed Khan in the back while the two were scuffling, and then the attacker escaped through the same pipes.
Shariful admitted later that after the incident he slept at the Bandra bus stop and later ran away to Thane upon seeing his photographs widely telecast on the media and social sites. He added that he used to work in Thane earlier. Thus, he considered it to be a safe spot.
Tools found by the Police
A hammer, screwdriver, nylon rope, and other implements were recovered from Shariful’s belongings. According to the police, he had no knowledge about Saif Ali Khan’s fame until he watched the coverage of the stabbing.
The Saif Ali Khan stabbing case has left a lot to be desired when it comes to the security of celebrities in Mumbai. Police are still probing into the suspect’s background and motive.
Also, see: Did you know? Saif Ali Khan’s attacker demanded ₹1-crore ransom from him