Bollywood superstar Amir Khan celebrated Republic Day this year by making a special trip to Gujarat, where he visited the celebrations at the Statue of Unity in Kevadia. In a scene played out in a grand setting with the actor, fittingly attired in a classic all-white chic attire, joining the dignitaries and other guests, they memorialized the work of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, a pivotal founder of the Indian nation.
At the ceremony, Aamir Khan paid his respects by saluting the majestic statue and singing the National Anthem, expressing his great regard for the history and spirit of India.
Here Is the Video as Amir Khan Attends Republic Day
Also, see: Watch: India’s 76th Republic Day parade with focus on atmanirbharta
Bollywood star Aamir Khan at the #StatueofUnity—India’s unifying spirit commemorated at the Statue of Unity complex amid celebrations of India’s post-independence unification and nation-wide unshakable unity, celebrating the nation’s unity of spirit.
Aamir Khan’s Upcoming Projects
Even amidst his patriotic tribute, Aamir Khan continues to keep busy with his film commitments. He is recently pushing his son Junaid Khan’s upcoming film, Loveyapa, a rom-com co-starring Khushi Kapoor. The movie is due to release on 14th February. Currently, the actor was recently spotted in Bigg Boss 18, where he discussed that subject.
There is also resonance in Aamir’s self-journey, for he is preparing for his next film, Sitaare Zameen Par. It is slated to be released by the middle of 2025. The film as a sequel to his acclaimed 2007 film Taare Zameen Par has created a huge fan frenzy already.
Also, see: Republic Day 2025: A Look Back at India’s First Republic Day Celebrations