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Know how to find Low Competition Keywords with High Traffic

Find low competition keywords with high traffic

Even if your website is new or relatively unknown, ranking for competitive keywords is not always possible in the short term.

Then what should you do if you are targeting competitive keywords?

No. It does mean you should search for keywords with low competition shortly.

Here’s a simple strategy to uncover low-hanging keyword opportunities and ensure they are truly low-competition and easy to rank.

To make the best use of our time and SEO efforts, we need to target terms or topics that can be ranked for, and not those with high search volume.

Imagine if you could create high-ranking content with little or no effort on the part of link builders?

Could you develop resounding content marketing strategies and drive loads of traffic to your content using keyword research alone? Or would you rather rely on keyword research to find topics, subtopics, and long-tail keywords?

What are low competition keywords?

You can rank for low-competition keywords without putting much effort into them. Getting organic traffic to your site depends on SEO tactics that do not require a lot of links or a high domain authority (Domain Rating).

The best way to find “low-competition” keywords

You will notice that I have emphasized the phrase “for your website.”

Here’s the truth. If you’re just getting started with SEO, you won’t be able to compete with the big players in the SERPs. SERPs refer to search engine result pages, by the way.

The first step is to find keywords with a low level of competition. Then, you can gradually move your way up to keywords with higher competition. These keywords tend to have high search volumes as well.

Many SEO experts recommend finding keywords with low competition and high volume. Nevertheless, I advise avoiding high search volume keywords at all costs. Not at first, at least. You can make mistakes when choosing keywords if you give in to temptation.

Consider these two points instead:

  1. Discovering relevant keywords for your business and subject
  2. Finding low-competition keywords

Knowing your audience and your business is the first step in finding relevant keywords. Most of the time, a gut check is sufficient.

For your site to be competitive, you must know its competitive power, which is the second priority. The chances of a website ranking on the first page of Google are not the same for all websites. It is just a 10(ish) spot tournament.

The secret to SEO success is using low competition keywords. If you set your expectations too high, you have no chance of ranking. In terms of organic traffic, rankings and rankings are not in your favor regardless of how great your content is.

How low can you go in terms of competition?

Each site has its requirements. Competitive Power measures how competitive a keyword is that your site can rank for based on its popularity.

To find low competition keywords, you select keywords with a Competitive Power at or below yours.

Simply put, punch yourself in the face.

The best way to find low competition keywords

The easy part is here. You can use a keyword suggestion tool to find long-tail keywords based on:

  • You input a seed word or phrase that is relevant to that word or phrase
  • Competitiveness of keywords concerning your site’s competitiveness

You will find similar keywords that you would not have thought of, that are low competition and prime opportunities, as you browse through the list of keyword ideas.

As a result of an emphasis on relevancy, the signal-to-noise ratio is high. Usually, many keyword tools return results that aren’t as relevant to your seed query – making it difficult to sort through them. Thus, you should find the keyword research tool focusing only on keyword ideas that are truly relevant to your search will save you time.

Steps to find Low Competition Keywords with High Traffic

1. Ideas for a brainstorming session

Make a list of the things your target audience might be searching for in Google and jot them down. Identify broad themes here rather than trying to guess exact words.

For instance, if you sell computers and parts online, you might sell:

  • I/O devices
  • PC
  • MacBook
  • The iMac
  • Disk drive

Overthinking this won’t help. Take notes as you think of them.

Once you have 5–10 ideas, move on to step two.

2. Use a keyword research tool to expand your ideas

You can enter your topic ideas into a keyword research tool, then check the Phrase match report. Depending on what keywords you entered, you’ll see monthly search volumes and other SEO metrics for those words and phrases.

3. Search for low-difficulty keywords

Ranking in Google’s top 10 for a search query is represented by a numerical value.

Find low-competition keywords by filtering Phrase Match reports scores between 0-10.

From just a few “seed” topics, you will be able to generate ample keywords. By adding a minimum monthly search volume filter, you can narrow down the list.


It is simply impossible for any third-party SEO tool to decrypt all Google’s ranking signals and compute an “accurate” keyword difficulty metric. It’s unrealistic and borderline impossible, especially considering that a lot of these “ranking factors” are simply speculation and have never been proven by Google.

It is possible to drive traffic to sites with high volumes and low competition. Starting a new website, adding a domain rating, and creating a website that just wants more traffic are some great uses for this strategy.

There is a surprising amount of simplicity to the study, and practicing a little will make it easier for you to implement in minutes. Even though link building is never ruled out as a deliverable, it is nice to see gains in traffic without needing to spend a lot of time and resources on link building.

Also Read: Top 10 SEO Trends to Drive More Traffic in 2024

CEO & Editor
I'm Ved Prakash, Founder & Editor @Newsblare Media, specialised in Business and Finance niches who writes content for reputed publication such as,, Motley Fool Singapore, etc. I'm the contributor of different... news sites that have widened my views on the current happenings in the world.


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