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Top 10 Most Expensive NFTs you should know in 2021

Most Expensive NFTs

Do you wonder, what are the Most Expensive NFTs? Non-fungible Tokens, or NFTs, have become increasingly popular, as investors and collectors seek to participate in the latest blockchain craze – and some of the prices are outrageous.

Despite outsiders’ doubts about the idea of digital art, collections such as Bored Ape Yacht Club and CryptoPunks have become some of the most expensive pieces of art available.

What are the Most Expensive NFTs? Let’s find out.

What is an NFT?

A non-fungible token (NFT) is a one-of-a-kind digital asset, identical to bitcoin, that resides on the blockchain. NFTs, despite being entirely virtual, are viewed as valuable assets.

Each NFT is unique and cannot be traded or substituted with another NFT, unlike other exchangeable cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum. Even though different NFTs share some characteristics, they are all unique. They can be anything as long as they are virtual.

The majority of NFTs are part of the Ethereum Blockchain. You also need to pay a minimum gas fee to turn your art into NFT. Since the crypto market fluctuates from time to time, you should always be updated on the latest market information, ethereum coin price, and ethereum price prediction by experts. 

Most Expensive NFTs

1. CryptoPunk #7523 by Larva Labs

Price: $11.7 Million

Pixelated images can only make you millions of dollars under the rarest of circumstances. Larva Labs created CryptoPunk #7523 by John Watkinson and Matt Hall. This digital character is one of only nine Alien punks with a surgical mask, unlike the other 10,000 figures.

2. Everydays: The First 5000 Days by Beeple

Price: $69.3 million

A digital work by the artist Beeple (aka Mike Winkelmann), Everydays: The First 5000 Days was sold for a record-breaking price of $69.3 million in March 2021. This is among the most expensive artworks ever sold. 

The artwork consists of 5,000 of the artist’s earlier works. Beeple began creating and posting digital artworks online every day in 2007. The result was 5,000 images.   

3. CryptoPunk #3100 by Larva Labs

Price: $7.58 Million

CryptoPunks are one-of-a-kind creatures that originally belonged to nine alien species. CryptoPunks, however, only carries 10,000 punks in stock. Of these, just nine are aliens. These are the most uncommon collections. The tokens are ERC-20 tokens, which adhere to the ERC standard.

4. CryptoPunk #7804 By Larva Labs

Price: $7.57 Million

CryptoPunk #7804 owner Dylan Field referred to the pipe-smoking alien wearing a hat and sunglasses as the virtual Mona Lisa. A bidder going by the Twitter handle Peruggia purchased it in March 2021. Similar to other extraterrestrial CryptoPunks, its value is determined by its scarcity and aesthetic appeal.

Out of a total of 10,000 CryptoPunks, only 378 smoke pipes, 317 wear tiny sunglasses, and 254 wear forward-facing hats. This combination of characteristics makes CryptoPunk #7804 one of the most sought-after Cryptopunks.

5. Crossroad by Beeple

Price: $6.6 million

Beeple also sold Crossroad for millions of dollars. Although Crossroad didn’t reach the price of Everydays, it was sold to an anonymous buyer for $6.66 million on Nifty Gateway, a digital art marketplace, and platform. 

6. Ocean Front by Beeple

Price: $6 million

TRON CEO and founder Justin Sun acquired Beeple’s Everydays for a “modest” $6 million, 10 times less than what he initially wanted to pay for Beeple’s artwork. One of the best things about this sale that was made through Nifty Gateway is that the profits were donated to Open Earth Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to fighting climate change. 

7. CyberPunk #5217 by Larva Labs

Price: $5.45 Million

On August 24, one Zombie CryptoPunk sold for 1,600 Ether (ETH), netting $5.3 million. In the zombie category, CryptoPunk #7252 now ranks as the fourth most expensive CryptoPunk on the market.

The seller of the transaction received more than $2 million in return for investing in NFT.

8. World Wide Web Source Code

Price: $5.43 Million

Sir Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the World Wide Web (WWW), surprised everyone by announcing plans to sell an NFT containing the source codes to Sotheby’s. Critics claimed that selling the web’s source files to a person violated the web’s global nature; Berners-Lee, for his part, said that selling the files was in line with the web’s ideals.

9. Stay Free by Edward Snowden

Price: $5.4 Million

Whistleblower Edward Snowden has made another contribution to society. It takes the form of an NFT artwork.

He sold the digital artwork Stay Free for $5.4 million in April 2021. The artwork features Platon’s image of Snowden on top of court documents declaring the National Security Agency’s program illegal. The proceeds from this sale were donated to the Freedom of the Press Foundation. This non-profit promotes freedom of speech and freedom of the press.

10. The Very First Tweet

Price: $2.9 Million

Among our list of the most expensive NFTs in 2021 is the very first tweet. Jack Dorsey, the CEO, and creator of Twitter, posted the very first tweet after establishing the company in 2006.

The creator of this tweet has sold it to Oracle CEO Sina Estav, who believes it is as important as buying the Mona Lisa. Additionally, this tweet was auctioned on a website called Valuables.

Following the platform’s regulations, they will take a 5% cut. Sina now owns that item, even though the message will remain on Twitter.

Final Words

It appears that the enthusiasm that has resulted in these record-breaking NFT sales will not abate. NFTs will continue to shake up the art world for some time to come, upending digital ownership norms in the process. Even if you don’t think these computerized images are comparable to the Mona Lisa or other classics, they’ve cemented their place as a serious player in the digital world.

Also Read: Everything you need to know about Non-fungible tokens (NFT)

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