

How to create a Portfolio Website for yourself?

create a Portfolio Website

Do you also want to create a Portfolio Website? Portfolio websites are a great way to catch an employer’s attention and land a new job. To achieve that, however, you must first know how to create an outstanding portfolio.

You’ve come to the right place if you’re having trouble making an outstanding portfolio website.

Making a personal website is important for many reasons

1) Make your Resume Dynamic

Websites aren’t static; they’re dynamic. They’re constantly evolving. You can add content to your website whenever you accomplish something. In your portfolio, you can display completed projects. The document doesn’t have to be printed and mailed out over and over again; it just needs to be updated. You can let people know what you’re up to by keeping it updated.

2) Make yourself findable

You are more likely to be found if you have a website. To get your name out, you must hand out your resume to people. You might only get a Facebook or Twitter profile if you don’t have a website.

However, if you have a website, you can be found and control what people see first if you have a website. You need this to establish your personal brand and to highlight your accomplishments.

Ensure that you can be found!

3) Make an impression on clients and employers

The majority of people do not own one. Despite having more personal websites in 2022 than ten years ago, most students and job seekers still use resumes and job search websites.

Making yourself stand out is essential for success in today’s world, and a website can help you do that. This shows you’ve put in some time to learn a fairly technical skill, and it also shows you have a few skills others lack.

4) Learn new skills

Your future self can benefit greatly from the new skills you learn. It takes a lot of different skills to build a website, especially if you start customizing and optimizing things. It doesn’t matter if you don’t plan to work in a tech field; having these skills can give you an advantage.

Imagine you are applying for a position in advertising. The interviewer will find you more attractive if you can demonstrate that you’re not just good at marketing, but also know how to use the web.

How to create a Portfolio Website

Step 1: Decide what you want your online portfolio to achieve

The online portfolio has different goals and visions for each individual. Many freelancers are generalists and want to pursue a wide range of clients, while others specialize in a field and are looking to target clients in that area, for example, a graphic designer with expertise in the financial sector. Others may have multiple skill sets they want to display (graphic design and illustration, for instance).

Your portfolio should serve a primary function. Portfolios with a clear purpose and vision stand out better than those that are scattered and difficult to navigate. A portfolio can be structured in one of two ways. The introduction can either be a quick summary of your work or can be used as a marketing tool.

Step 2: Select a website builder or manual coding

Choosing whether to build your own website or use a website builder depends on what type of online portfolio you want to create. Choosing a website builder such as WordPress, Squarespace or Wix is the best choice if you are not a coder. It is easy to showcase your work online with these companies’ templates. Using these templates, you can easily create a one-page website.

Step 3: Showcase your best work

Your portfolio doesn’t have to include every project you’ve done, but you should select the projects you’re proud of and which illustrate a variety of experience. In the future, think about what type of work you’d like to do more of. You may consider leaving your writing portfolio off your website if you were a writer and an illustrator in the past, but are now exclusively focused on illustration. By focusing on your strengths, you will make it easier for clients to see how you can help them.

Step 4: Make the About Section Compelling

Your about section is an opportunity to introduce yourself to potential clients. It provides readers with more information about you and complements your portfolio. It is important to understand what people are hiring you for. Next, give examples of your statement that relate to that.

Step 5: Create a compelling call to action

You should include your contact information and a button that directs potential clients to contact you via email or phone on your online portfolio. It’s straightforward enough, but you can also stand out by having a contact page or section. This is where you can tell clients to reach out if they want to learn more if you use a one-page portfolio.

Step 6: Create an easy-to-use portfolio

When presented in endless blocks of text in a tiny typeface, even the best portfolio will be overlooked. Now that you have a basic understanding of what to include in your portfolio and what content you will include on your about page, it’s time to consider design and layout.

Conclusions on the creation of a portfolio website

In addition to helping potential clients find you and choose YOU in the sea of experts in your field, creating a portfolio website is another great way to promote and display your achievements and abilities.

Well-designed and creative portfolios can make a fine first impression into a truly outstanding one.

Also Read: Top 10 Ways to Make Your LinkedIn Profile Stand Out

Hello, I'm Sejal Jain, Editor at Currently, Pursuing B.Tech in Computer Science from Medi-Caps University, Indore. I am a Tech Enthusiast and a Voracious Learner, getting my hands dirty in as many fields I can, including, Content Writing| Designing | Marketing| Develpoment. Connect to me on LinkedIn and let me know your feedback for my work. I would love to hear from you.


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