In this regard, AAP Chief Arvind Kejriwal submitted his nomination papers on January 15 for the New Delhi assembly constituency ahead of the Delhi Election 2025. Since Kejriwal has won the seat thrice, he is going to face a tough contest against Parvesh Verma BJP candidate and Congress leader Sandeep Dikshit in what promises to be a high-stakes contest for the February 5 polls.
In his election affidavit, Arvind Kejriwal’s net worth has been declared as ₹4.2 crore, a steady increase from ₹3.4 crore that was reported five years ago. The affidavit further details the financial assets of the family, including movable assets in the name of Kejriwal himself for ₹3.4 lakh, and movable assets in the name of his wife, Sunita Kejriwal, for ₹1 crore.
Arvind Kejriwal’s Net Worth: What Are the Assets Details?
Delhi former CM’s immovable assets are ₹1.7 crore, largely constituting non-agricultural land in Indirapuram, Ghaziabad. In contrast, the value of Sunita Kejriwal’s house in Gurugram is ₹1.5 crore. Interestingly, Kejriwal does not possess any house or vehicle, whereas Sunita possesses a Baleno car.
The affidavit also disclosed liquid cash of ₹50,000 for Kejriwal and ₹42,000 for Sunita besides fixed deposits and savings of ₹2.8 lakh for the AAP leader. Kejriwal’s wife holds deposits worth ₹46 lakh. Sunita Kejriwal’s jewelry includes 320 grams of gold valued at ₹25 lakh and 1 kg of silver worth ₹92,000.
Annual Increase
The affidavit highlights a significant rise in Arvind Kejriwal’s annual income, which grew from ₹1.57 lakh in 2019-20 to ₹7.2 lakh in 2023-24. Similarly, Sunita’s income increased from ₹10.4 lakh to ₹14.1 lakh over the same period.
With a record of winning the New Delhi seat, including beating Congress veteran Sheila Dikshit in 2013, Kejriwal is facing a strong challenge this time. The declaration of Arvind Kejriwal’s net worth gives a new dimension to the electoral narrative as he seeks to retain his stronghold.
Also, see: Plot against Kejriwal: AAP claims BJP is behind the conspiracy