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Top 10 Profitable Business Ideas for College Students

Having Profitable Business Ideas for College Students for Making a living and paying for school while in university is possible. If you’re inspired by other entrepreneurs who met their co-founders in university and went on to launch Fortune 500 companies, then you may want to consider starting a business in university. Campuses can often serve

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Step-by-Step Guide to Create an Email Newsletter for Free

Do you want to Create an Email Newsletter for Free with your blog, website, or eCommerce store? Keeping your users informed, bringing them back to your site, and converting them into customers is easier with an email newsletter. Beginners often find it difficult to create an email newsletter. It’s mostly because they feel it will

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Top 10 Biggest Business Rivalries in the History

To succeed in business, you need to do things correctly. Your products must be best in quality, best in service, and best in user experience, while you must also promote in the most effective way possible. Some industries aren’t as competitive as others. Rising to the top is more difficult in others. Those working for

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Top 10 Indian Companies With Monopoly in Their Industry

List of Indian Companies with Monopoly in Their Industry: How many Indian companies can you name that have monopolies? In today’s article, we identify one of Warren Buffett’s favorite categories: monopolies, but in the Indian market. Monopolies are companies with a major competitive advantage and are market leaders. Keeping market share of these companies and

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10 Entrepreneurs Who Failed Before They Succeeded

Presenting the top Entrepreneurs Who Failed Before They Succeeded. We only see about 15 percent of an iceberg in the ocean, we can’t even imagine the other 85 percent of an entrepreneur’s business. The only thing we see are their top accomplishments, milestones, and riches; we do not even begin to imagine the failures, struggles,

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How to Start Your Own Clothing Line From Zero to Launch

To most creatives, the idea of starting a clothing line is a dream come true. Start a successful clothing line if you have the ideas, the energy, the talent, and the resources. It turns out there’s a lot more to the design process than you might think. Trying to start from scratch makes it easy

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10 Best and Cheapest Virtual Office providers in India

Virtual office providers in India must be something every newfound startup must invest in. Your company will become more professional as a result. Business centers across India provide virtual office space. In most cases, these office spaces are located in major cities and business capitals, which offer high growth potential. Do you know what virtual

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The 10 Most Creative Entrepreneurs to watch in 2021

Entrepreneurs are unique individuals. Individuals come from diverse backgrounds, start at different ages, bring their own set of skills to the table, possess unique perspectives based on their life experiences, and have unique ways of doing things. Entrepreneurs share a title, which differs in details and some don’t last long (like superheroes). Each entrepreneur has

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Top 10 Life and Business lessons learned from Jeff Bezos

There are many lessons learned from Jeff Bezos. Jeff Bezos, Amazon’s CEO, was there to defend the company against allegations that it was undercutting competitors by pricing products at a loss that it could only sustain, shutting out competitors over the long term. Entrepreneurs around the world rely on Bezos’ annual shareholder letters for strategy,

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Top 10 Golden Franchise Opportunities in COVID-19 Era

This can be an excellent time for business acquisitions and franchise opportunities. You will also be able to find the right location, the right spot, and cheaper rentals during this time. Those seeking a retail business will also be able to take advantage of this opportunity. At this point, brands are also solicitous of offering

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