

Exploring the Job Opportunities AI will Create

AI Job Opportunities

From data scientists to AI ethicists, the rise of artificial intelligence is creating a whole new world of job opportunities. Discover how you can be a part of this transformational industry with our comprehensive guide on AI job opportunities.

According to a recent World Economic Forum white paper, Jobs of Tomorrow: Large Language Models and Jobs, three key areas could create jobs: “trainers”, “explainers” and “sustainers”:

It is inevitable that old jobs will disappear as a result of creative destruction, but innovation will also create new ones. Artificial intelligence (AI) will be the biggest innovation of this decade, but what jobs could AI Job opportunities create?


The trainers are primarily engineers and scientists who are developing large language models (LLMs) on which generative AI tools such as ChatGPT rely.

Moreover, electrical engineers could see a growing number of job opportunities due to the demand for customized microchips to train and run LLMs, according to the Jobs of Tomorrow report.

Job exposure potential vs. growth potential in AI

According to Deloitte, Meta is among the companies that are developing custom chips for artificial intelligence. These advanced chips could help chip designers advance further. Each year, chipmakers make billions of dollars worth of chips using AI design tools.

Although they won’t replace human designers, their speed and cost-effectiveness will enhance chipmakers’ design capabilities, Deloitte says.

Among the other “trainer” jobs AI could create are those of systems administrators who build server infrastructure.

It will also be crucial to ensure these systems have the energy they need, so power systems engineering roles could also be in high demand.

Explicit explanations

Explainers will make AI easy to use for the general public, while trainers will be working behind-the-scenes.

The Forum says that explainers will design interfaces that enable people to interact with AI. They can be compared to “user experience designers” for LLMs.

When the first PCs were released, it was necessary to type in a series of precise technical commands into MS-DOS in order for the computer to start. Similar to today’s LMMs, which are still highly technical, the Forum recommends well-designed interfaces so they can be accessible to the general public.

Explainers could work with LLMs to make them work with different types of user inputs. Some may respond to typed commands, while others may respond to spoken commands.

Creating LLMs tailored to particular tasks may also lead to the creation of AI assistants, tutors, or coaches, according to the Jobs of Tomorrow report.

The sustainers

There are likely to be three main types of sustainers, according to the Forum report: content creators, data curators, and ethics and governance experts.

Creating content – Prompt engineering is a new discipline that involves writing text prompts that make an LLM produce the content the user wants. We get the search results we want based on the words we type into Google, just like LLMs require particular prompts to produce the results we need.

According to the Forum, AI sustainers will be able to produce in-depth content on a wide range of topics, across any field or domain, by optimizing prompts. Recent screenwriter strikes in Hollywood have prompted AI to produce articles, books, teaching materials, and even entire storylines for movies and television shows.

Adoption of large language models creates jobs

The data that LLMs are trained on is just as important as the inputs they are given. If the data is not high quality, the output will not be high quality.

A data curator will ensure that LLMs are given the best data possible. “Since most training data are curated from texts posted to the internet, data quality and integrity checks are critical, leading to the creation of a specialized workforce,” according to the Jobs of Tomorrow report.

A lack of data quality can also lead to ethical problems when AI is used. “Prejudiced language in training data can make LLMs produce biased, harmful, or unethical content,” the Forum says.

AI ethics officers and ethics specialists will be responsible for ensuring LLMs do not behave in this way. This will require extensive testing before anything is released to the public.

Regulatory and legal frameworks around AI ethics and governance may also emerge, leading to new jobs.

AI’s impact on other job growth

With the widespread adoption of LLMs, it is impossible to predict what new roles will emerge, the Jobs of Tomorrow report concludes. In the next five years, AI and machine learning specialists are expected to see the greatest expansion, with a 39% increase in employment.

In addition, it sees growth opportunities in university and higher education teachers, with 10% growth – a fact highlighted in the Forum’s Future of Jobs Report 2023.

What steps does the World Economic Forum take to ensure that technology is used responsibly?

Teaching requires a high degree of personal interaction, as do other fields expected to grow in the coming years, such as healthcare.

According to Jobs of Tomorrow, the integration of generative AI, specifically LLMs, will bring significant changes to the corporate world and job landscape. While some positions will be replaced, others will be enhanced and many new opportunities will arise. To ensure widespread benefits from this advancement, it is crucial for businesses and governments to actively prepare the workforce for this extensive shift.

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I'm Shruti Mishra, Editorial Director @Newsblare Media, growing up in the bustling city of New Delhi, I was always fascinated by the power of words. This love for words and storytelling led me to pursue a career in journalism. In this position, I oversee the editorial team and plan out content strategies for our digital news platform. I am constantly seeking new ways to engage readers with thought-provoking and impactful stories.

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