

7 Steps for a Killer Data Scientist Linkedin Profile

Data Scientist Linkedin Profile

With over 800,000 data scientist profiles registered on LinkedIn, it can be demanding to stand out from the crowd and be unique. However, your LinkedIn profile requirements are more basal than that. 

If you do not have the fundamentals laid down, building your profile to be unique or speak a certain message can be challenging. The easiest way to turn off a potential connection is by having an amateur profile with subpar content. 

If you have a resume for data scientist ready for job applications, sprucing up your LinkedIn profile is the next important step. LinkedIn can be a repository of valuable job offers if your profile is up to mark, and you need to impress your potential recruiters with your professional profile if you want to make the cut.

Make your resume stand out in this competitive market.

Get the Basics Right 

The easiest way to gain a stamp of legitimacy is to provide a neat profile URL along with a professional profile picture. 

LinkedIn research shows that having an appropriate picture makes your profile picture 14 times more likely to be viewed by others. Along with that, ensure that it is a high-resolution image and that your face takes up 60% of the image without too many distractions in the background. 

Optimize Your Career Summary 

Under your headline, there is a summary option for you to give a brief description of what you do. Although it functions like a resume summary, it is of greater importance as LinkedIn profiles are much longer than a standard resume. 

Draft a career summary with your most important work experience and relevant skills to give your potential employer a thorough insight into your expertise as a professional. 

As a LinkedIn profile consists of multiple sections that are listed below one another, you can utilize your summary to give an introduction to your valued skills and experience. Additionally, make sure that your summary is concise and that it is readable with appropriate keywords. 

List Your Experiences 

It could be anything from internships to professional experience, enter them in the designated experience section in reverse chronological order. To organize this section further, you can opt to enumerate your experiences in phrases rather than entire sentences. 

Provide a brief overview in the introduction part and explain the functions you performed under that. The best practice is to start your phrases with power verbs and quantify information wherever possible to give your hiring manager a more solid base to assess your performance. 

Along with that, link your previous employers if the company is on LinkedIn as it adds to your authenticity and genuineness as an applicant. 

Capitalize on Your Skills

You can provide your hiring manager with a comprehensive list of your data science skills from the Skills & Endorsements section on your LinkedIn profile. As it is inbuilt more than manual, it will feed the algorithm more, appealing to recruiters looking for similar skill sets. 

Assess your areas of expertise and list all the skills you have to make your candidacy more transparent to the hiring manager. 

Additionally, check the company’s job description and ensure that you include the technical skills that they particularly mentioned, as missing it will earn you a hard pass.

Honor Your Accomplishments 

Unlike your data science resume, you do not have to skimp on your achievements on your data scientist LinkedIn profile. If you have a considerable number of honors or awards, you can include all of them in the designated sections. 

Since it is a separate section and does not take up any space, you can explain the honors or achievements if you wish to. Most importantly, try to validate your accomplishments by describing their value in your career. 

Generate Exceptional Content

Your LinkedIn profile can be an exceptional portfolio if you put in the effort. Try to curate unique content that is in line with the world of data science. 

Doing so will show your recruiter that you are passionate about the subject matter and are knowledgeable enough to qualify. Having a well-directed feed also makes you prone to top-profile recruiters as you are more likely to connect with people. 

Initiating conversations on hot topics or writing insightful articles are some of how you can curate quality content on your LinkedIn profile.


An undermined way of sprucing your profile quality is by connecting with notable LinkedIn personalities. Engage with important content and users alike, and try to drive traction to your LinkedIn content by sharing it on other platforms. 

As a professional space, having a fair number of LinkedIn connections is a badge of honor that will help you gain job opportunities. Recent studies have shown that recruiters do look for LinkedIn connections while reviewing profiles. 

Key Takeaways

As a data scientist, your LinkedIn profile should be updated and professional, as studies show that 70% of employers recruiters check social media handles to have a better understanding of the applicants’ expertise.

Out of these, about 47% of recruiters prefer to not evaluate the candidacy of those who do not have an online presence. Here is how you can change that:

  • Have a clean profile URL and upload a professional profile picture to create a great impression
  • In your career summary section, provide a brief account of all of your significant achievements and valuable experiences as an introduction to your LinkedIn profile
  • List all of your work experiences in reverse chronological order and link your previous employers
  • Record your data scientist skills by choosing from the options in the skills section
  • Provide valuable accomplishments in the designated section of your LinkedIn profile
  • Generate engaging data science content that aligns with market trends to give your profile a considerable quality upgrade 
  • Network with notable personalities and connect with them to add to the quality of your profile

Let your unique data scientist career trajectory take the front seat by optimizing your LinkedIn profile!

Must Read: Top 10 LinkedIn Influencers in India to boost your network

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I'm Ved Prakash, Founder & Editor @Newsblare Media, specialised in Business and Finance niches who writes content for reputed publication such as,, Motley Fool Singapore, etc. I'm the contributor of different... news sites that have widened my views on the current happenings in the world.

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