

Top 10 Most Powerful Job Portals in India

Job portals in India

Remember the days when applying for a job was a tedious task. Submitting resumes to different companies needed consistent efforts. The scope of the candidates was very limited. Candidates were not able to filter companies according to their resumes. A job portal is a solution to all these problems. The users can easily hunt for jobs on these job portals in India.

Along with providing jobs, these portals provide various valuable services. Candidates can avoid the manual task of searching for a job by creating a profile on these portals. The number of users on these job portals is increasing in India. The services provided by these portals are also increasing.

1. Naukri is one of best job portals in India. Job seekers can easily hunt for their desired jobs on this platform. It also provides recruiters a platform for picking up the right employees. The portal has partnerships with top companies like Accenture and Morgan Stanley. 

The portal also provides various valuable paid services for its users. The services may help the candidate to rank high in recruiter searches. The portal also provides resume-building services to job seekers. This service will help you create an attractive resume.

With a mix of free and paid services, has managed to be one of the top job portals in India. The mobile application provides the same services as well. The portal also provides informative content with the help of its blog.

2. Indeed

Indeed is one of the top job portals in India. The portal provides an estimated calculation of the salary the candidate should earn. Based on the resume of the user, the portal provides valuable recommendations.

The portal has partnerships with various companies. The portal also provides reviews of different companies. Resume building services are also provided. Indeed application also provides the same services with a simple interface.

Indeed is a job portal that provides services in various countries. Many job seekers are registered on this portal and the number is increasing.

3. Monster India

Monster India has managed to be one of the top job portals in India. The portal provides services and informative content to its users. Career tips and interview strategies are also provided to the users. The portal includes various other services along with job hunting services.

The portal provides job vacancies across different areas and not only in India. The portal also manages a blog to share valuable content with its users. The portal provides services on the web and also has a mobile application.

4. Linkedin

Linkedin is not a typical job portal but is useful in providing the support, which a job seeker requires. Job seekers can increase their connectivity using this platform. The user can interact with various recruiters.

The users can display their work profiles on this platform. The user needs to put in some effort to get the real benefits of the platform. Reaching out to recruiters is easy on this platform and thus it is one of the top job portals in India.

5. Times Jobs

Times jobs is a job portal in India that provides valuable information and insights. Smart job recommendation on the basis of the profile is a feature of this portal. Times group manages this portal and the portal has millions of users.

The portal hosts various webinars to provide information to its users. Career tips and insights about the industries are provided in these webinars. Times jobs are ranked as one of the top job portals in India. 

6. Freshers World

Freshers world provides both job and internship opportunities to the users. The portal provides job support to its users. The portal provides resume building and interview grooming services to the users. The portal is a great platform for freshers.

The YouTube channel provides various informative and helpful videos to the users. The content helps users to enhance their profile and get better job offers. The portal also provides information about government job vacancies. The portal has a unique way of providing content and is one of the top job portals in India.

7. Shine

HT Media Limited, a popular newspaper brand, manages Shine and is one of the top job portals in India. The portal has partnerships with various reputed companies. The portal provides career guidance and valuable tips to its users.

The portal also provides educational courses to its users. Users can enhance their skills with the help of these courses. The portal also provides resume-building services and career guidance to the users. They also manage a blog to impart educational information and useful tips to their users.

8. Glassdoor

Glassdoor is a job portal that compares companies. The portal provides valuable insights to the users. The portal provides reviews to companies based on past employees. This review can be very helpful for a job seeker. The users can even connect with past employees and clarify their queries. 

Glassdoor also provides detailed information about the companies. With the help of blogs, they deliver useful content to their users. The unique features and services of the portal make it one of the top job portals in India.

9. Internshala

Internshala is a platform that helps users to find jobs as well as internships. The platform is very popular among students. It provides part-time job opportunities and internship opportunities for its users. They also focus on remote jobs and provide their users a wide range to select from.

Internshala provides training to the users. These training courses are helpful for students to develop their skills. This platform is beneficial for freshers and people looking for some experience. The platform also provides various tips on enhancing your resume.

10. Fiverr and Upwork

Fiverr and Upwork are two platforms that provide you freelancing opportunities. They are not typical job portals and the approach for users is a little bit different. The users need to create a portfolio showcasing their work. Users will get freelancing opportunities based on their portfolios.

Both websites provide innovative and informative content on their websites. Blogs, podcasts, and guides are used by these websites to provide the content. Small businesses looking for affordable freelancing work can use these websites.


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