

8 Tips for Keeping Your Home Warm in the Winter

keep your home warm in winter

It’s finally December and winter is most definitely on its way for most of us! The heating system has been switched on and Christmas songs have already started playing in the stores.

If you’re like the thousands of Americans this year who will be working from home, keeping your home (and your workspace) warm and cozy will be even more important. Especially if you’re one of those people who aren’t just living at home but working from it as well.

Time For Some Heating?

A lot of people think that the best way to heat your home is to turn up the thermostat as high as it will go and set it there for the entire winter, but this isn’t actually the most effective way to keep your home warm.

There’s no sense in paying a fortune for heating if your home is draughty and not very well insulated. For effective heating and cooling, you need to make sure your home is in tip-top condition, and this is where this article will help you!

Here are eight tips to help you heat your home and keep it warm this winter.

1. Insulate the Attic

If you want to keep your home warm, it’s important to make sure that your attic is insulated straight away. 

Don’t forget that heat rises, if you have an uninsulated attic full of warm air, it’s going to find its way out of the highest spot available. If you want to keep all this expensive heat inside your home, placing insulation on your attic floor is a good start.

It’s critical that you inspect your insulation regularly. Once every few years, have a professional check it for you to make sure it’s still fit for purpose and that there are no holes or gaps through which cold air can sneak in.

2. Seal Air Voids

Air leaks can be a big problem in many homes, and if left unchecked they’re going to lead to a lot of heat being lost from your home. 

To counteract air leaks, it’s important to make sure that there are no gaps or holes in the window frames or around pipes or wiring. 

This is a job best left to the professionals, but you can check for air leaks by fogging up your windows with a spray bottle and seeing if you can see straight through. If you do see any cracks then it’s time to call out a professional!

3. Seal potential draughts

When the weather is nice you might not think twice about leaving your windows open, but in winter this can lead to frozen pipes, draughts straight into the warmest rooms in your house, and a much higher heating bill at the end of the month.

This is a job you can easily tackle yourself and it’s one that’s definitely worth doing! 

Always inspect your home for any potential draughts and double-check that there are no cracks or holes in the walls or floors that will allow cold air to seep through. This is a job that you should start as soon as possible before your heating system starts turning on.

4. Keep your windows well-maintained

Most people leave their bedroom windows open a little in winter, thinking they’ll be wrapped up warm enough once they’ve switched on the heating. While this is true to an extent, it’s important to remember that warm air will rise up and out of your home. 

It’s better to keep your windows slightly open, allowing the warm air to escape through cracks, which encourages air circulation.

Pro Tip: When you’re leaving the house make sure that the air is able to circulate if you’re not around, so open an upstairs window slightly while leaving a downstairs window on the vent. 

5. Insulate your water pipes

Your hot water pipes are an integral part of keeping your home warm, so you need to make sure that they’re kept nice and cozy. 

The reason your pipes need to be insulated is that they contain a lot of hot water, and as such, they can lose that heat rapidly. For effective insulation, wrap your pipes with insulating material.

Pro Tip: To stop any leakage on the part of the pipes that connect to the water heater, it’s a good idea to cover them with another layer of insulation and/or wrapping before wrapping them around your pipe insulation. 

6. Plan ahead

The best way to keep your home warm is to always plan ahead, especially when it comes to turning on the heating system. It is better to always have a constant temperature, rather than heating when the indoor temperature is low.

The temperature of your home needs to be maintained at around 20-21 degrees Celsius all day long, this will keep you warm and keep your home at a nice ambient temperature.

7. Close off rooms you’re not using

If you’re only home for the day, then it might seem like a good idea to open up all the doors. This is not a good idea if you’re trying to keep your home warm and reduce your energy bills at the same time.

It’s important to close off any rooms that you aren’t using. This will prevent your home heating system from having to work hard to keep the whole house warm when really only one room needs heating at a time.

8. Know your heating system

Once you’ve decided that you want to heat your home, it’s important to know what kind of heating system you’re using. If you’re thinking about hiring a professional for this job, then make sure you ask them which type of heating system they will be installing.

You need to know the right tools for the job, and if your heating system requires a different type of equipment or specific maintenance, make sure you check with the person before agreeing on a price. 

Pro Tip: If you’re planning on switching from a gas boiler to a heat pump system, it’s better to call an electrician in first.

Also Read: 10 Proven Tips To Mastering Apartments Interior Designers

Editorial Director
I'm Shruti Mishra, Editorial Director @Newsblare Media, growing up in the bustling city of New Delhi, I was always fascinated by the power of words. This love for words and storytelling led me to pursue a career in journalism. In this position, I oversee the editorial team and plan out content strategies for our digital news platform. I am constantly seeking new ways to engage readers with thought-provoking and impactful stories.


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