

What You Need to Look for in Specialist Accommodation for Your Relative

Specialist accommodation for your relatives

Moving a relative into specialist accommodation might not feel like an easy decision, but it is essential for their health, safety, and wellbeing. 

In addition to providing your loved ones with peace of mind that a family member will receive the support they need, it will likely improve their quality of life and help them navigate the challenges they might face as a health condition progresses.

As you will want your loved one to feel comfortable, safe, and relaxed, you must do your homework to ensure a facility ticks the right boxes. Read the following advice on what to look for in specialist accommodation for your relative.

A Comfortable Living Space

Comfort is key for a smooth transition into specialist accommodation. An attractive, spacious, and practical environment will make a move less daunting to a loved one and may even make them feel excited for their future at the facility.

Many specialist accommodations may feature cozy studios or luxurious suites to make a resident feel right at home. For example, many feature kitchenettes and wet rooms to support independence and daily care. 

Also, look for a facility that provides various communal spaces to prevent feelings of loneliness or isolation, such as a hair salon, activities lounge, and a cinema.

Around the Clock Support

Specialist accommodations should provide the highest standard of care to residents. For example, if your loved one is living with dementia, you must ensure a care home provides 24/7 care from a team of qualified nurses. 

Search a company online as a reference for an exceptional care home, as it provides residents with a purpose-built dementia care community, a team of dedicated, experienced nurses who are onsite 24 hours a day, and person-centered care.

Dignified Adaptations

Specialist accommodation shouldn’t make residents feel like patients. Choose an environment that has made subtle yet effective adaptations to support those living with cognitive, sensory, or physical impairments. For example, it might feature grab rails, fall detection sensors, or shower seats. The subtle yet supportive aids will provide a loved one with a comfortable space that feels more like a home and less like a medical facility.

Exceptional Dining Experiences

Specialist accommodation shouldn’t equal low-quality food. Look for a facility that provides its residents with dishes from talented chefs, which will ensure your loved one looks forward to breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

The dining experience is also as important as the food. Residents should have an inviting space to enjoy a meal with their loved ones or celebrate a special occasion, such as their birthday.

If your loved one has specific nutritional needs, it is essential to pick accommodation that supports their dietary requirements. For example, people living with a medical condition may need to consume foods to support swallowing difficulties, intolerances, or health.

Stimulating Activities

Specialist accommodation should enhance its residents’ physical and mental wellbeing by providing various stimulating activities. During a visit to a facility, learn as much as possible about its weekly activities and events calendar to ensure your loved one will never feel bored or lonely. 

For example, some specialist accommodations might provide:

  • Visiting entertainers, such as singers, comedians, musicians, or animals
  • Creative activities, such as crafting or baking
  • Day trips to the theater, galleries, museums, etc.
  • Coffee mornings

The above activities and events will ensure your loved one feels entertained daily, which will prevent the days from blending into each other.


Last but no means least are compassion, patience, and understanding. For your loved one to feel happy, comfortable, and understood, you must choose specialist accommodation that takes the time to get to know its residents, learning about their likes, dislikes, limitations, and personalities. As a result, they will be able to support their daily independence, recommend stimulating activities, and identify important changes in their behavior.

For this reason, you must rely on your judgment or gut instinct when choosing a facility for a loved one. Also, take the time to talk to staff members during a visit to a potential care home to learn about their communication styles, personalities, and experience.

Returning to the drawing board could help you find the best specialist accommodation for your relative’s daily needs. It will improve your confidence in the care they will receive and provide peace of mind to your family.


Picking a specialist accommodation for a relative is a big decision and one that you shouldn’t rush. The facility you choose will not only determine a family member’s happiness in their new home, but it will shape their medical care, daily stimulation, nutrition, general comfort, and dignity. 

Take the time to visit a potential facility, talk to its staff, and trust your instincts, which will ensure your loved one receives the care, comfort, and compassion they need daily.

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Editorial Director
I'm Shruti Mishra, Editorial Director @Newsblare Media, growing up in the bustling city of New Delhi, I was always fascinated by the power of words. This love for words and storytelling led me to pursue a career in journalism. In this position, I oversee the editorial team and plan out content strategies for our digital news platform. I am constantly seeking new ways to engage readers with thought-provoking and impactful stories.


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