
Healthcare & Fiscal

Coronavirus cases is rising: Situation of India is going from bad to worse

coronavirus cases report India

As cases of coronavirus in India are increasing, the situation is getting worse day by day. A large number of people are getting infected with this virus every day. On March 30, 53,480 new coronavirus cases were reported, while on an average 59,325 cases were reported daily in the last seven days. We are again in the same position where we were at the time of the first wave of coronaviruses (from May to June 2020).

coronavirus cases graph IndiaThe situation will go from bad to worse!

“If cases continue to escalate in this way, then the situation will become worse for India”, experts warn.

Cases have been increasing for the past few weeks and this is a serious concern. It is spread in almost every part of the country. The situation is difficult for the country to deal with.

Maharashtra is the most affected state-Coronavirus cases

Maharashtra now become the hotspot of the coronavirus cases in India. It is one of the top state where the coronavirus cases are increasing rapidly.

Tell you that Maharashtra is also know as the financial state of the country. If it turn into lockdown, it will be bad for the country – the whole country have to suffer for this.

Maharashtra has the highest number of cases in India. There may even be a second lockdown.

But the lockdown nevertheless affected the state of the economy.

If people follow the rules well, the coronavirus lockdown may not be required in the state. The government of any state cannot lockdown.

The number of cases in the country is high-coronavirus cases

On March 30, 53,480 new cases were reported, while on an average 59,325 cases were reported daily in the last seven days.

There are total 12.2 million cases in India, out of them 11.5 millions have fully recovered while 163K deaths have been reported till now.

The most affected states of India’s are

Maharashtra, Punjab, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat are the top states which have 70% of new cases.

The situation is serious for India, the whole country is at risk. If the cases continue to escalate in this way, the situation will worsen for the country.

The death toll will be higher or the country will continue to be stalked by the coronavirus.

Night curfew is in some states due to coronavirus cases is rising

A night curfew is introduced in most of the affected states in India.

For example, Maharashtra, Karnataka has imposed a night curfew and it is recommending to avoid social gatherings.

As there is no sign of the virus slowing down.

Hospitals dedicated to the coronavirus are the most frequent, re-tested, and must manage patient load effectively.

Related: Coronavirus 2 has entered India, samples were collected from different states of India

Editorial Director
I'm Shruti Mishra, Editorial Director @Newsblare Media, growing up in the bustling city of New Delhi, I was always fascinated by the power of words. This love for words and storytelling led me to pursue a career in journalism. In this position, I oversee the editorial team and plan out content strategies for our digital news platform. I am constantly seeking new ways to engage readers with thought-provoking and impactful stories.


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