

Woman Bled to Death After Sex as Man Looked for Online Remedies Instead of Calling Ambulance

Woman Bled to Death After Sex as Man Looked for Online Remedies Instead of Calling Ambulance

In a recent development of negligence, a woman bled to death after sex due to excessive bleeding right after she had intercourse with her boyfriend. The death of the young nursing graduate has led to the arrest of a 26-year-old man, who has been charged with negligence. Notably, the incident took place in Gujarat.

The reports indicated that the woman involved received severe vaginal injuries in the sexual encounter. The blood she eventually bled out caused significant damage. She was not taken to the hospital even though her state began deteriorating after the intercourse. Instead, he resorted to treating the damage caused by intimacy as if he was knowledgeable enough in medicine and first aid.

Woman Bled to Death After Sex in Gujarat; Man Arrested for Negligence

The guy used the cloth to stop the blood flow. And, when it did not stop, he looked for online remedies despite her condition going fatal. The sensible action could have been urgently calling an ambulance but delaying the matter caused his girlfriend’s death.

It was already many hours behind schedule, so the man telephoned a friend and had the woman taken to a private hospital after her condition deteriorated. Too late, doctors pronounced her dead once admitted to the hospital. The postmortem showed that the main cause why the Woman bled to death after sex was the vaginal injury during erotic and sexual intercourse.

He is arrested for his delayed action and not seeking proper medical attention. The police are probing the case to ascertain whether there were any other considerations in his favor which resulted in her death. The man’s fate now hangs legally. It remains to be seen what the police will decide.

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