

How These 7 Industries Are Making Use Of Coordinate Measuring Machines

Coordinate measuring machines

The primary purpose of coordinate measuring machines to measure an object’s geometry with great precision. CMMs are equipped with a probing system, which allows them to scan an object through its three axes (x, y, and z).

The probe used depends on the type of CMM. Some may use lights, lasers, and mechanical probes. Each probe material offers different pros and cons. If you want to become more familiar with how they look like, you can visit to CMM websites.

Since you’re here, you may be wondering what Coordinate Measuring Machines (CMMs) are, which industries use them are, and how they’re used. The short answer to those questions is CMMs are often used in any industry that involves manufacturing. CMMs help with designing, prototyping, and ensuring the quality of the manufactured products.

You may not be satisfied with that answer alone. If you want more details, continue reading.

1. Orthopedic

People requiring knee arthroplasty can rest assured that they won’t have any problems with material that will be implanted on them. 

Facilities that create orthopedic implants take advantage of coordinate measuring machines to ensure the quality and accuracy of their products and devices. Installation of implants in the human body is a very invasive procedure, so orthopedists should ensure that the ones they’ll put in their patients’ bodies will fit perfectly. 

2. Medical Device Manufacturing

Doctors can be confident that the stent that they will put on their patient’s artery will properly balloon and fit. Patients can be assured that their ventilators will keep them going when an emergency happens. As long as both doctors and patients know that they’re being given quality medical items and tools, they can rest easy that the chance of something going wrong in their cases will be tremendously low.

Aside from orthopedic implants, companies that manufacture medical devices and tools benefit significantly from the usage of CMM. Some of the most common devices and tools that CMM can be used are stents, surgical instruments, ventilators, tubing, and medical fittings.

3. Automotive 

Automakers and engineers won’t need to worry about their cars’ quality once they’re out on the production floor and reach the street, thanks to CMMs. You may think that nothing could go wrong when it comes to an automotive company’s assembly line because of automation. Know that automation isn’t enough. They need CMMs to ensure that their quality control will prevent any expensive recalls and potential lawsuits from angry car owners.

The car manufacturing industry greatly benefits from the usage of CMMs. Primarily, they use these devices in their quality assurance processes. For instance, CMMs can help with measuring a car’s suspension hardpoints during driving simulations. Some manufacturers and body shops use CMMs to check drive trains, chassis, and suspension pick-up points.

4. Aerospace 

Private aerospace companies and their stakeholders can stop fearing that their rockets won’t fail once they’re airborne. Just imagine, how much money would be wasted if a billionaire’s rocket with a spaceship crashed on the ground minutes after it was launched? That was an easy question. The answer is a lot.

You might already have guessed that the aerospace industry is one of the benefactors and beneficiaries of CMMs. With aerospace tech and engineering, precision is always the name of the game. Thankfully, CMMs can meet the industry’s demand when it comes to that.

Typically, most Coordinate Measuring Machines (CMMs) operate for more than 16 hours a day in aerospace labs and offices. They’re often used to determine geometries and materials of aerospace components to test if they’ll be good enough outside the prototyping stage and make it into production. After all, the allowable margin of error in aerospace projects is so small. Even if a slight miscalculation happens, it can easily cost companies and even the government thousands or millions of dollars.

5. Manufacturing 

Manufacturers can be more confident with their automation thanks to CMMs. CMMs can easily integrate quality assurance in their automation and ensure that the assembly line can stop itself when it starts producing off-spec products.

Just like with other technologies like 3D printing, CMMs can help manufacturers in both the design and production phases. CMMs can aid designers in developing a prototype and testing them out if their specs and measurements will be economical and profitable enough to reach production. When it comes to production, CMMs can help perform quality control on products. 

In some cases, some companies take advantage of CMMs in machine maintenance. They often use it to check if their computer numerical control (CNC) machines are properly recalibrated. 

6. Metalworking and Woodworking 

Metalworkers and woodworkers can be comfortable with making anything if they can use a CMM to scan the project they’ll work on. However, not all shops have one since the cost of having one isn’t viable enough for most small businesses.

Nonetheless, CMM has still found its way into both the metalworking and woodworking industries. Most machinists rely on CMMs to measure the parts and components they need to produce or replicate. Woodworkers also do the same and use CMMs in reverse-engineering intricate pieces of furniture. 

7. Defense and Military

There’s no room for error when it comes to weapons and military equipment. You wouldn’t want the guns of soldiers firing back on them or ballistic missiles going off in its military base just because the screws used on them were a sixteenth of an inch off from what was required.

Fun fact: the first CMM was developed for measuring components of military products in the 1950s. And for the next 20 years, CMMs will be improved, but their use was limited to the military.


Just imagine how far humans have come. Before, people used their thumbs and limbs to measure sticks of wood and lumber when they built their homes. After a few centuries, they learned to standardize measurements and use tools other than bodies to work in precision. Now, they can just let a machine measure an object. They can plop down a portable CMM, place the thing they want to measure, and voila—they have the exact measurements they want to know without doing any hard work.

Thanks to Coordinate Measuring Machines (CMMs), many industries have flourished, and many people have benefited.

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