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A US Court asks ISRO’s commercial arm to pay $1.2 billion compensation to Bengaluru start-up

ISRO’s commercial arm to pay $1.2 billion compensation

According to news reports, a U.S. District Judge has on 27 October 2020, asked ISRO’s commercial arm ‘Antrix’ to pay money amounting to $1.2 bn as compensation to Bangaluru-based start-up,  Devas Multimedia, for canceling a satellite deal in 2005.

As per agreement in January 2005, Antrix had agreed to build, launch and operate two satellites and to make available 70 MHz of S-band spectrum to Devas,  which the latter planned to use to offer hybrid satellite and terrestrial communication services throughout  India. The agreement was terminated by Antrix in February 2011. The matter has been in litigation in India and in the  U.S. since then.

Obviously, the compensation ruled by the court constitutes compulsive expenses unless overruled by a higher court of law. In this context, it may be apt to refer readers to one of the predictive alerts of this Vedic astrology writer in the article “India in the year 2021 – planetary impacts interpreted”  published at on 7 September 2020 which reads as follows:- ( 3 ). 

The planetary movements towards the last four months,  particularly  November-December, in the present year  2020 suggest that questions of commitments or liabilities or discharge,  economic or otherwise,  look to be arising. Such commitments or liabilities or discharge may have something to do with the distant or recent past or even present,  covering such aspects as the space program,  telecommunication system, cyber  ………….., and the like.  Some compulsive expenses of sizeable nature can come up”.

A  closer reading of the content brought out here appears to be suggesting the accuracy and meaningfulness of the predictive alert published on 7 September 2020.

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Author: The article is provided by the Independent reporter Mr. Kaushal Kumar, 202-GH28, Mansarovar Apartments, Sector 20, Panchkula-134116, Haryana, India.

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