
Commodities & Currency

Top 10 Crypto Exchanges in India to Trade in Cryptocurrency

After the order of the Supreme Court declared in the favor of cryptocurrency, India saw a boom in investment. These investments came from traders and buyers who wanted to try their luck in the cryptocurrency market. This boom not only brought several top crypto exchanges in India, and also led to the development of multiple

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Commodities & Currency

How is the Forex Market expected to perform this year?

The forex market has been potentially volatile in the year 2020, largely due to the pandemic. The fluctuating trends have somehow managed to show highly profitable results for a few, but have also left many traders or investors empty handed. As the market was precarious, a significantly fewer number of individuals thought to give it

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Commodities & Currency

The Differences and Similarities Between Forex and CFDs You Must Know

Forex and CFDs (Contracts for difference) have some differences and similarities that every trader should know. Both are useful for speculation, but learning about them allows traders to decide which one suits them best. Depending on the situation, one might opt to use them both. Having a trading strategy helps you to decide faster, but

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Commodities & Currency

What Makes Currencies Rise and Fall in Value?

Is your mind boggled by currency rate fluctuations? If so, then you should check out this easy-to-understand explainer guide.  2019 has seen some currency values enjoy all-time highs, while others sunk to record lows. Currency rates are constantly moving, but what exactly causes the value of a currency to rise or fall?  Firstly, Why Should

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