
Economic & Finance

Why Russia’s Brain Drain is Diminishing Faster than Indonesia’s

The impact of Russia’s war on Ukraine on the economy is becoming more apparent. There have been record numbers of emigration out of Russia since Vladimir Putin launched the invasion in February 2022, with some estimates putting the number at 1 million. A recent analysis from Re: Russia narrowed the number to 817,000-922,000. As a

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Economic & Finance

How can India’s IT sector retain women in the workforce?

In a country renowned for its booming IT industry, a crucial question looms large on the horizon: how can India’s IT sector retain women in the workforce? As technology continues to propel our world forward, it is disheartening to witness the underrepresentation of talented women in these transformative fields. According to BRSR, India’s IT sector

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Economic & Finance

Commercial LPG Cylinders Prices Slashed by ₹158 Following Domestic Price Reduction

Public sector Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs) have slashed the price of 19 KG commercial LPG gas cylinders by Rs 158, according to sources. As of today, Delhi’s retail price for a 19kg commercial LPG cylinder will be Rs 1,522. On Raksha Bandhan, the central government reduced the price of domestic LPG by Rs 200 as

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Economic & Finance

How the Chinese Government Masks its Economy Turmoil

The Chinese economy will still be important to global business, but it will no longer serve as the engine of growth because of this transformation. While those on the outside will be able to observe the economy, it will become increasingly difficult to understand what’s going on inside. But it will still advance, but much

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Economic & Finance

G20 Summit Prepares to Take Over Delhi as Schools and Offices Close for 3 Days!

In view of the G20 Summit, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has announced that all schools and offices in the national capital will be closed on September 8, 9 and 10. During this period, even the markets within the ‘controlled zone’, which is mostly located in New Delhi, will remain closed. Chief Secretary Naresh Kumar

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Economic & Finance

The Debt Supercycle: Unveiling the Culprit Behind China’s Economic Troubles, Harvard Economist Reveals

Top economist Kenneth Rogoff says China’s economic troubles are the result of a debt bubble that started in 2008 – and money used to prop up growth over the past decade is now hitting back. A Harvard professor wrote an op-ed for Project Syndicate last week pointing to a “debt supercycle” that started in the

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Economic & Finance

Hotels Covid Learnings: Fueling the Upcycle as Demand Continues to Surge

In the hotel sector, the covid pandemic hit hard causing travel to halt. However, these hardships led to some necessary cost rationalization by improving digital efficiencies, which is helping the hotels industry grow faster and surge its demand. The sector has grown for the last four quarters due to a recovery in leisure and business

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Economic & Finance

India’s Wealth Per Adult Surges Twice as Fast as Global Average, but Lagging Behind in Real Terms

As per UBS’s Global Wealth Report, India’s wealth per adult has grown 8.7% per annum since the beginning of the millennium and was $16,500 at the end of 2022. A global average wealth per adult is $84,718, so India has a lot to catch up on. As a result, the average wealth in China is

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Economic & Finance

China Battle Against Deflation: Urgent Actions Needed for Economic Revival

The China is experiencing deflation for the first time in almost two years, yet another sign that Beijing might need to introduce stimulus measures to revive its stuttering economy. According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics, the consumer price index (CPI), which measures the cost of an average shopping basket, fell 0.3% in

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Economic & Finance Market Overview

What to expect in the market next week

For the next week, July 31, 2023 – August 4, 2023, traders and investors are expected to keep a close watch on the earnings season which continues with full rigour in the next week market. Earning releases are yet to be released from some of the big giants on the Wall Street such as Apple

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