

The Ultimate Guide to Web 3.0: Everything you Need to Know

Guide to Web 3.0

If you haven’t been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard of Web3. Web 3.0 represents the next step in the web’s growth, and it strives to make the internet more intelligent. Before learning more about Web3, let’s learn about the evolution of the web first.

A number of new tools and strategies have been introduced in recent years with the development of the World Wide Web. Typically, these stages are referred to as Web 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0. Now let’s examine each of these stages in more detail.

Web 1.0

This is the first step in the evolution of the web, which is also called the read-only web. At the time of Web 1.0, websites weren’t as dynamic and interactive as they are now. Public access to the information was the primary objective of the websites. The shift from Web 1.0 to 2.0 took place gradually as servers improved, internet connection speeds rose, and developers acquired new skills and techniques.

Web 2.0

The read-write web, as it is also called, is the second stage of the evolution of the web. 

This is a better version of the first worldwide web, characterized by the shift from static to dynamic or user-generated content, as well as the rise of social media.

Basically, Web 2.0 the business revolution in the computer industry caused by the shift to the internet as a platform, and the attempt to figure out how to succeed on this platform.

Google Maps, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, WordPress, and others are some of the well-known Web 2.0 applications. Users can contribute to the Social Web by creating new concepts using web technologies such as HTML5, CSS3, and Javascript frameworks such as ReactJs, AngularJs, and VueJs.

Let’s take a closer look at Web 3.0 now that you have a better understanding of the web’s evolution and its old stages.

Web 3.0

Also referred to as the read-write-execute stage of web evolution, which refers to the future of the web. In this era, AI and VI enable computers to understand data in the same way that people do.

A Web3 application, or DApp, developed on decentralized peer-to-peer networks like Ethereum and IPFS. Users are responsible for developing, operating, and maintaining these networks, rather than a business. They are self-organizing and have no single point of failure.

Cryptocurrencies frequently mentioned when Web3 discussed. Cryptocurrencies are a part of many Web3 protocols. A cash incentive (tokens) given to anyone who helps create, control, or improve one of the projects.

As well as computation, storage, bandwidth, identification, hosting, and other online services, these protocols frequently provide a wide range of services previously provided by cloud providers.

How is Web 3.0 different?

As a result of Web 2, Web 3 seeks to resolve the most pernicious issue: private networks collecting personal information, which later sold to marketers or stolen by hackers.

Web 3’s network decentralized, which means not controlled by a single organization, and the apps created on top of it are also decentralized.

Web 3.0 properties

We can define Web 3.0 by looking at three key characteristics:

Web of semantics

Among the key components of Web 3.0 is the semantic web. Rather than relying on keywords or numerical data to analyze and search for content, the semantic web uses the ability to understand the meaning of words.

Three-dimensional graphics

Online games, e-commerce, and portfolio websites use 3D Graphics extensively in Web 3.0. 

Artificial Intelligence

Web 3.0 anchored by the Semantic Web and Artificial Intelligence. Through the combination of this capability with natural language processing, Web 3.0 enables computers to comprehend material as they would if they were humans, providing quicker and more relevant results. As they become more intelligent, they satisfy the demands of the user.

Web3.js – what is it?

If you are creating Web3 applications, you will use the Web3.js library. There are several libraries in web3.js. They let you use an HTTP or IPC connection to communicate with a local or distant ethereum node.

The web3 JavaScript library used to access the Ethereum blockchain. User accounts accessed, transactions sent, and smart contracts exchanged, among other things. The main framework for designing dApps is Web3.js.

When is Web 3.0 expected to release?

As Web 2.0 gradually replaced Web 1.0 through a series of interconnected innovations. So will Web 3.0 gradually take over the internet.

Also Read: Cryptocurrency in India: Everthing you need to know

Hello, I'm Sejal Jain, Editor at Currently, Pursuing B.Tech in Computer Science from Medi-Caps University, Indore. I am a Tech Enthusiast and a Voracious Learner, getting my hands dirty in as many fields I can, including, Content Writing| Designing | Marketing| Develpoment. Connect to me on LinkedIn and let me know your feedback for my work. I would love to hear from you.

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