

Missing schools can be more dangerous than coronavirus

missing schools children

The schools had been closed across the globe as a measure to fight against the pandemic. It was just for the mere fact that the lives of the children cannot be at a loss for the sake of education. Moreover, there was a need to maintain social distancing and good infection control inside and outside classroom settings. Hence missing schools has become one of the major problems of the children of today.

Most of the parents are guessing if the schools will reopen post the pandemic is over. The school closures have culminated to the fact that most students already spend at home. The interest levels of the students have taken a dip in the academic session since they have been used to the formal classroom set up.

In absence of face-to-face interaction with the teachers, the students are not able to clear their doubts. Moreover, the examinations and the tests are taking a lot of time than usual. All these reasons have climaxed to the dip in interest level of students. Thus, we see that missing schools has become a very tedious affair.

Meanwhile, teachers are scrambling to adapt content for an online platform and parents are juggling work responsibilities (if not joblessness) with caring for and educating their own children. Students themselves are faced with isolation, anxiety about a deadly virus, and uncertainty about the future.

In a country like India, where most of the houses have extremely limited access to internet, it becomes exceedingly difficult for students to log on to the classes. As a result, most of them miss some important points which have been taught in the class.

The entire online education system has posed challenges for the entire world of teachers. The teachers across the globe are trying hard to patch up with the modern techniques of online teaching. They are trying hard to help the students to cope up with the curriculum.

There has been reports which clearly indicate that a lack of schooling increased inequalities, reduced opportunities. Most of the students are getting depressed being confined at home. If schools do not open for next few days, it would hamper physical and mental health issues. Hence it is exceedingly tough times when the students are vying to get accustomed to the new online systems. Some students are still not in sync with the modern and new methods of online teaching viz a viz classroom teaching.

Moreover, they are missing schools is one of the most important hurdles in the education of the youngsters today. While the entire world is fighting to beat the pandemic, it is important for students to miss school rather than take a toll on their lives.

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I have an experience of about two decades in Public Relations, Content writing. I have worked for different PR agencies in India and have travelled abroad .Throughout my career, I have been engaged in writing, conceptualising and giving strategic approach to clients. Writing has always been my passion. My hobbies include reading and listening to music.

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