

Most of the parents want to send their children to school during pandemic

The pandemic has been disruptive and bewildering for everyone, but especially for children

The pandemic has been disruptive and bewildering for everyone, but especially for children. It has been almost six months in absence of a normal school day. The parents as well as the kids want to get into formal education who can’t access online classes. Hence most of the parents want to send their children to school during pandemic.

It is a global issue. Schools have had to close in 191 countries, affecting more than 1.5 billion students and 63 million teachers, according to the United Nations. But in many countries, schools are now cautiously reopening in Germany, Denmark, Vietnam, New Zealand, and China, children are mostly back behind their desks. These countries all have two things in common: low levels of infection and a reasonably firm ability to trace outbreaks.

It has been observed that the children are less likely to catch covid-19 than adults. They’re about half as likely, to be precise, according to a recent study by the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) using data from China, Italy, Japan, Singapore, Canada, and South Korea, published in Nature Medicine. A survey of 149,760 people with covid-19 by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that children 17 and under, who make up 22% of the US population, account for fewer than 2% of confirmed infections across the United States. Due to this most parents think that the kids are getting bored and formal school is particularly important for the development of a child. Hence most of the parents want to send their children to school during pandemic.

According to the LSHTM study it is predicted that when children catch covid-19, they usually get very mild effects. Only one in five of those aged 10-19 had any clinical symptoms, compared with 69% of adults over 70. Children are extremely unlikely to die from coronavirus: during the peak nine weeks of the pandemic in England and Wales, just five children 14 and under died, out of a population of almost 11 million in that age group, according to official data analysed by David Spiegelhalter, a statistician at Cambridge University. This is one of the reasons why most of the parents want to send their children to school during pandemic.

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I have an experience of about two decades in Public Relations, Content writing. I have worked for different PR agencies in India and have travelled abroad .Throughout my career, I have been engaged in writing, conceptualising and giving strategic approach to clients. Writing has always been my passion. My hobbies include reading and listening to music.


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