

The Guide to Retain Every Book you Read

Retain Every Book you Read

Why do some people Retain Every Book they Read, while others can’t recall even the title days after putting down a book?

There is a simple answer, but it is not easy.

They don’t read what they think. It’s what they read. You read more and you read better when you have good reading habits.

For this to be true, you must internalize and remember insights from the books you read. Only if you retain knowledge will it compound. Simply reading more books is not as important as getting more out of each book you read.

The purpose of reading is not only to gain knowledge. Taking the time to read for pleasure or entertainment is a wonderful way to spend time, but this article is about reading to learn. Keeping that in mind, I am sharing some of the best reading comprehension strategies I have found.

How to Retain Every Book you Read

Organize Your Reading

When it comes to choosing books, there are no rules. It does not matter if our choice of books is a bestseller, a classic, or a book everyone loves. There is an advantage to reading things other people don’t read. This is not school, so there are no reading lists. Depending on your current situation, choose a combination of books that: (1) have stood the test of time; (2) appeal to you; or (3) resonate with you.

We are more likely to remember the contents of a book if we find it interesting and relevant.

Do you read a lot?

Reading fast and reading a lot are two different things. You can supercharge your reading routine by combining the two, but each alone can be valuable. It’s not so much about the time it takes to read a book or a story from beginning to end as it is about the story itself. When you’re reading for pleasure, speed reading doesn’t help.

To read more in this sense is simply to have more time to read and to read more content books, magazines, articles, blog posts-in whole.

Select books you can use right away

Choose books that you can apply immediately to improve reading comprehension. A great way to cement the ideas you read is to put them into action. Practice is a great way to learn.

You are also more likely to pay attention and remember material if you choose a book you can use. It is especially important when something crucial is at stake. If you are starting a business, for example, you have a great deal of motivation to learn everything you can from the sales book you are reading. As an example, someone who works in biology might read The Origin of Species more carefully than a random reader because it is directly relevant to their daily work.

Some books aren’t practical, how-to guides you can apply immediately, and that’s okay. Many different books offer wisdom. However, I tend to remember books that are relevant to my daily life better.

You can create searchable notes

Take notes on what you read. Do this however you like. A complicated system or a large production is not necessary. Simply emphasize the important points.

Integrate knowledge trees

Imagine a book as a tree with a trunk of fundamental concepts and branches of details. By connecting branches and integrating your current book with other knowledge trees, you can learn more and improve reading comprehension.

Skimming intelligently

It is best to skim the index, contents page, preface, and inside the jacket before starting to read a book (especially nonfiction). Also, the bibliography can provide insight into a book’s tone. For every book they write, the best authors read hundreds of books, so a well-researched book should include a bibliography filled with interesting texts. Peruse the bibliography after you’ve read the book and note any books you want to read next.

Retain Every Book you Read: 3 ways

Use impressions, associations, and repetition to train your brain. Understanding how our brain stores information is a great place to start with book retention. Take a look at these three aspects:

  1. Impression
  2. Association
  3. Repetition

As an example, let’s say you read Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence People. The information was amazing and you wanted to remember everything you could. Here’s how:

Impression. Let the text impress you. Imagine a scene in your mind, including elements like greatness, shock, or your appearance to enhance the impression. Think about getting the Nobel Peace Prize and then tossing it on the dais if Dale Carnegie is explaining his dislike for criticism.

(Another way to make an impression is to read an important passage out loud. For some of us, our sensitivity to information is greater when we hear as opposed to seeing.)

Association. Make a connection between the text and something you already know. Memory palaces are constructed using this method. It is highly effective for memorization. If there is a particular principle you wish to keep from Carnegie’s book, recall a time when you were part of an example that involved the principle. Previous experience helps you build associations.

Repetition. The more you repeat something, the more it sticks in your mind. This can be accomplished by re-reading a passage or by underlining or writing down the passage and then returning to it later.

Also Read: Top 10 Books About the Hedging Fund Industry you can read

Hello, I'm Sejal Jain, Editor at Currently, Pursuing B.Tech in Computer Science from Medi-Caps University, Indore. I am a Tech Enthusiast and a Voracious Learner, getting my hands dirty in as many fields I can, including, Content Writing| Designing | Marketing| Develpoment. Connect to me on LinkedIn and let me know your feedback for my work. I would love to hear from you.

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