
Health & Wellness

Why should you limit your sugar intake?

limit your sugar intake

We all kow that sugar is the most loved things for everyone, especially for children. Children love to eat chocolates and sweets but due you know excess sugar is harmful to your body in many ways. Excess intake of sugar or sweet products can harm your body. Here are few suggestions that why children should not intake excess sugar?

Small children are in love with sweets

Parents now know the right amount of sugar for children. Children love to eat cakes, candy, chocolate, but excessive intake of sweets can harm your children.

According to US government guidelines for infants, breastfeeding is recommended for at least 6 months and no sugar till 2 years of age.

According to a California nutritionist, in the early years every bite of yours has some sweet counts.

Limit sugar intake

According to scientists, not only children but also everyone should limit their intake of sugar. Sugar intake should be less than 6% calories for infants and after 2 years children should take 10% calories per day.

Men should not drink too much alcohol

Men should limit their alcohol intake. Men should not drink more than two drinks in a day.
And they are recommended twice for women.

Food for infants

According to doctors, infants should be fed breast milk only till 6 months of their age. If breast milk is not possible, they should get iron-fortified baby food. At the age of 1 year, they can start eating after 6 months. If children are used to eating at their young age then they will not be allergic to that thing in the future.

Go for fruits and vegetables instead of sweets

If you want to stay away from diseases then you should include fruits and vegetables in your diet. Eating sweets and vegetables instead of sweets will definitely lead to good health.

Go for healthier options

It is necessary to go for healthy food and healthy choices. Every food is developing a pattern of a healthy diet. These sugar products should be avoided – drinks, sweets, snacks, candy, cakes, tea, and coffee. If you avoid sugar well then you can always be young healthy.

Related: Drinking Coca-Cola from Paper Bottle can be real!

Editorial Director
I'm Shruti Mishra, Editorial Director @Newsblare Media, growing up in the bustling city of New Delhi, I was always fascinated by the power of words. This love for words and storytelling led me to pursue a career in journalism. In this position, I oversee the editorial team and plan out content strategies for our digital news platform. I am constantly seeking new ways to engage readers with thought-provoking and impactful stories.

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